Fish is a food that may be easily cooked over a blaze, but the fireless is serviceable, as fish does not become soft nor fall to pieces even by standing a considerable length of time in the cooker.

Baked Fish

Open the fish; wash; wipe perfectly dry and rub over with salt; lay in a dripping-pan with a little butter and bread crumbs; and bake forty minutes in the fireless cooker, using both radiators.

Codfish Balls

1 cup shredded codfish 1 pint potatoes

2 teaspoons butter 1 egg

1/4 saltspoon pepper

Pare the potatoes; cut them into cubes and put them in the kettle with the codfish. Cover with boiling water; place in the cooker for three hours. Drain; mash and beat until very light. Add the butter, egg well beaten and the pepper; also more salt if needed. Drop by tablespoons in hot fat and fry a golden brown.

Baked Lake Trout

After cleaning, tie the fish in a square of cheesecloth, immerse in boiling water and flavor with lemon juice. Place in the cooker and cook one hour with one radiator, or longer if no radiator is used. Drain and serve with cream sauce.

Boiled White Fish

Clean and bone the fish and sew in a cheesecloth bag, leaving room for the fish to swell. Place in kettle with back down; cover with boiling salted water, allowing one tablespoon of salt and vinegar or lemon juice to each quart of water. Boil for five minutes. Place in cooker for one hour. If fish weighs over two pounds, boil ten minutes before placing in cooker. The skin may be easily peeled from a boiled fish. Serve with tomato sauce.

Scalloped Salmon

1 can salmon Butter

1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper

Place in baking dish one layer of salmon. Sprinkle with flour; add small pieces of butter, pepper and salt; then other layers until the dish is full; cover with cracker crumbs; heat and bake in the cooker about one hour. Use two radiators.

Boiled Salmon

Wash and clean the fish; sew it in a cheesecloth bag, leaving room for fish to swell. Place in kettle; cover with boiling salted water, allowing one tablespoon of salt to each quart of water. Boil ten minutes and place in cooker for an hour and a half.

Serve fish with rings of lemon and tomato sauce.


Take a whitefish; boil; take out the bones and sprinkle with salt and pepper. For the dressing use one pint of cream sauce prepared in the usual way, and when cool add two beaten eggs. Put in baking dish a layer of fish, then a layer of sauce, until full. Cover top with bread crumbs and bake in the cooker for one hour. Use two radiators.

Meats In The Fireless Cooker

The more expensive meats are not necessarily the most nutritious. If the housewife thoroughly understands the right way to prepare cheaper meats, and has a fireless cooker, it is possible to have a tender and juicy piece of meat at comparatively small cost. Meats cooked by the fireless method do not lose in weight, because nothing escapes, and there is no shrinkage from evaporation. It is a recognized fact that the tough meats can be reduced to delicious tenderness if steamed in a closed roaster for several hours. This is the principle of the fireless cooker.