A writer in The Country Gentleman vindicates the Ohio Everbearing Raspberry. He says: " Its habits of bearing,moderate crops during the latter part of summer, caused it to be designated 'Everbearing.' The everbearing varieties have not generally given satisfaction to profit-seeking cultivators. Had it been known simply as the 'Ohio,' and been planted and cultivated for one crop early in the summer, as with the Doolittle, Philadelphia and others, it would have made for itself a reputation second to no other variety for hardihood and productiveness. We have grown it for some fifteen years, and it repeatedly yielded at the rate of one hundred bushels per acre, and then carried a moderate crop later in the summer on the current season's growth of cane. We planted three feet apart in the row, and rows seven feet apart; cut the canes back in the spring to three and a-half feet, and secured to horizontal poles. For their yield during the regular raspberry season we put them against all others - then we have the summer ana autumn yield beside".

Another writer in the Ohio Farmer says: "I was reading somewhere an opinion expressed that the everbearing raspberry is a poor bearer, but my experience does not accord with this, because for the last ten years I have had a full supply for three successive months, save the season just past, when the crop was greatly injured by the drouth. I believe that twenty hills of the everbearing raspberry will supply any common family. I have tried eight or ten other kinds, but find none so good as this. The fruit is black, well flavored, and bears from the last week in June until the middle of October".