Clianthus Diampieri

A splendid flowered greenhouse soft-wooded subshrub, of rather difficult management.

Clianthus Magnificus

Those of our readers who have seen the singularly beautiful flowers of the Glory Pea, Clianthus Damwill be very desirous to possess this newer variety, which seems to be of a more hardy character, and less liable to be infested with the red spider and other insect pests. It is described in The Gardener as being a truly magnificent, and really charming variety. The flowers are large, of a deep, rich scarlet color, but without the black boss which makes the blooms of the C. dampieri so attractive. They are produced in immense pendulous bunches, and continue in perfection a long time. The plant is of easy culture and rapid growth, requiring abundance of root room, but by no means particular as to soil, thriving in such a compost as is used for Pelargoniums or Fuchsias. A plant, covering a large part of the back wall of a lean - to greenhouse, has been densely covered for the last three weeks, with hundreds of bunches oŁ its large, rich, and singular flowers.

Climate Of Utah

From the Times, published at St. George, Utah, we notice currants and gooseberries were ripe June 10; and at the same time pomegranates were in bloom; figs promising a good crop, and the fruit of pears and quinces then of quite good size.

Climatology (4)

A. good paper. There is a great deal in the subject of acclimating vegetables from their native climate into a colder or warmer one. Many years ago, the sweet potatoe was not grown north of Virginia. Now, abundance of the finest are raised in Jersey, Long Island, and some even in Connecticut, and, they say, in Western New York. So with the sugar-cane. It is now grown two degrees further north in Louisiana than fifty years ago, and equally good in quality. This subject will bear any amount of study, and experiment with profit.

Climatology Of Northern Ohio

A very able paper was read by Geo. C. Huntington, of Kelley's Island, on the Climatology of Northern Ohio; and while in the main it was correct, we consider some of the points, from which records were kept for its making up, as unreliable as to the actuality. The object of the essay appears to give an impression that Kelley's Island is superior to any other section of country for grape-growing, and to sustain it records are given, taken at Toledo, which is inland from the lake, and at Cleveland by one whose residence is in a low section, away from any immediate lake influence. "We like to see these essays - we like to see the mind of man at work; but the time has gone by when any attempt to set Kelley's Island above all the earth for a fruit region will prevail; and any such attempt on paper simply shows a want of practical extended observation.

Climbers (2)

Among the Prairies, I have seen none so pretty as Ranunculi-flora. It is a lovely blush, and much better formed than Baltimore Belle. These two, with Queen of the Prairies, are invaluable.

Queen of the Belgians is one of the best Ayrshires. It is not large, but pure white, and exceedingly pretty.