The formulas for some of the simpler insecticides and fungicides will be given here; but it is generally more advisable for the amateur to purchase his chemicals already mixed and in packages of a size adapted for his immediate requirements.


Paris green - aceto arsenite of copper. Arsenite of lime.

Arsenate of lead; use 2 lbs. to 50 gal. water. Hellebore; use 1 ounce to 1 gallon of water.

Poison Baits:

For cutworms 1 lb. Paris green .mixed with 10 lb. bran.

For cutworms 1 lb. white arsenic and 1 lb. of sugar or molasses in 6 lbs. of bran. For grasshoppers use the arsenic, sugar, and bran mixture, placing 1 tablespoonful every 6 or 8 feet.

For sow bugs or pill bugs use slices of potato dipped in a dry arsenical or a strong solution.

Contact Insecticides:

For plant lice use one lb. soap to 5 to 8 gallons water.

For aphids and larvae use nicotine sulphate at strength given on package or 1 lb. tobacco stems boiled in 2 gal. water (Dilution of nicotine sulphate is generally 1/4 pint to 50 gallons of water. The addition of 2 lbs. of soap is desirable).

For scales use 2 gal. kerosene and I gal. sour milk.

For plant lice use 2 gal. kerosene and 1 gal. soft water and 1/2 lb. soap.

For scales use in winter only a lime-sulphur spray containing about 20 lbs. of unslaked lime and 15 lbs. of flowers of sulphur to 50 gal. of water.

For red spider and plant mites use flowers of sulphur as a dry powder dusted over the trees when covered with dew or immediately after a rain.

For hibernating insects use a miscible or soluble oil at the rate of 1 part of oil to 12 or 15 parts of water.


Bordeaux mixture; 5 lbs. copper sulphate and 5 lbs. lime in 50 gal. water. Ammoniacal copper carbonate; 6 oz. copper carbonate and 3 pts. ammonia in 50 gal. of water. Copper sulphate is used, with lime to colour it. For killing fungi on dormant plants. Lime sulphur mixture also acts as a fungicide.