℞ Boiling water........cong. ij

Common salt, sufficient to saturate,

Nitre..............℥ iij

Molasses............℥ iv

Mix, and boil for a few minutes. The proportions of nitre and molasses are variable. This injection penetrates well, and it will preserve the body long enough for dissecting purposes.


℞ Commercial muriatic acid......................lb x

Scrap zinc, more than sufficient to neutralize the acid. This solution is extremely concentrated and acid. Where the body is to be kept during the summer months, it is advisable to throw the undiluted solution into the aorta, until the fluid oozes from an incision made into the cellular tissue of one of the toes. In winter, one to three pints, diluted with water, will answer. As a mere preservative, nothing can surpass this injection, but it is open to the serious objection of bleaching the tissue.


℞ Nitric acid...........lb x

Powdered litharge, more than sufficient to saturate. Mix. One or two pints of this fluid may be advantageously added to a solution of salt containing a little nitre. The mixture forms a good preservative injection, giving a rusty, rather than a bleached appearance to the tissue.


Corrosive sublimate, sufficient to saturate.


This mixture is to be thrown into the aorta.

To be followed daily, for three successive days, by the same quantity of a saturated solution of the acetate of alumina. The surface of the body is to be frequently washed with the latter solution. By this method, the natural appearance of the body may be retained for a week.

- W. R. Grant.


℞ Sulphate of alumina.......lb ij

Acetate of lead.........lb ss

Dissolve the salts separately in water, mix the solutions and filter. The body is to be injected with six pints of this fluid, by one of the large arteries. - Gannel.


℞ Acid, salicyclic..........3 iv

Acid, boric...........3 v

Potassium, carbonate.......3 j

Dissolve in hot water.....℥ xijss

Glycerine ............3 v

Mix, and add oil of cinnamon, oil of cloves, each three drams, dissolved in 3 xijss of alcohol. - Hager.