Dogwood. Magnesia

Magnesia, carbonate of Magnesia, silicate of Magnesia, sulphate of Malt. Matico. Mesquit gum. Milk, boiled Mineral water, (calcareous) Mountain laurel. Musk root. Mustard. Myristica. Nickel, sulphate of Nux vomica. Oak bark. Oil, cajuput Oil, castor Oil, cod liver Oil, turpentine Opium. Peppermint. Pepsin. Plantain. Podophyllin. Pomegranate. Poplar.

Potassium, bromide of Potassium, chlorate of Prickly ash berries. Pulsatilla. Quassia Quebracho. Quinine. Raw meat. Resorcin. Rhatany. Rhubarb. Rhus, aromatica Roast acorn. Rumex crispus. Salicin. Salol.

Sheep laurel. Sodium, bicarbonate of Sodium, chloride of Sodium, phosphate of Sodium, sulphite of Silver, nitrate of Silver, oxide of Squaw vine.

Stimulant ice injections. Strychnia. Sugar of milk. Sumach. Thymol Toast bread. Tortnentilla. Trumpet plant. Veratrum viride. Vinegar and salt. White pond lily. Willow herb. Wine, (enemata) Wood naphtha. Zinc, oxide of Zinc, sulphate of

Diarrhoea - Formulary Of Selected Remedies Acute; Diarrhoea


℞ Magnesii sulphatis.......3 iv

Syrupi rhei aromatici......℥ ijss

Olei gaultheriae......... x

Aquae ℥ vj

M. S. Tablespoonful every three hours.

- Prof. W. H. Thomson.

In Simple Diarrhoea, Accompanied By Tenesmus, Colicky Pains, Etc


℞ Tincturae opii. Tincturae rhei, Tincturae opii camphoratae.............āā ℥ j

Spiritus menthae piperitae.....3 x

Tincturae capsici.........3 vj

M. S. Teaspoonful. - Velpeau.

In Diarrhoea, And As A Preventive Of Diarrhoea From Change Of Water


℞ Acidi sulphurici aromatici,

Tincturae capsici......āā 3 ss

Tincturae opii,

Tincturae camphorae......āā 3 j

Tincturae zingiberis.......3 ij

Tincturae cardamomi compositae..........3 x M. S. One teaspoonful in a tablespoonful of water every hour, or oftener if necessary.

- Dunglison's Ref. Book.

Diarrhoea From Suddenly Obstructed Perspiration


℞ Liquoris ammoniae acetatis....................℥ iv

Syrupi simplicis.........3 ij

Morphiae j

M. S. One tablespoonful every two hours; at the same time alcoholic fumigating baths.

- Dutcher.

In Diarrhoea Characterized By A Want Of Intestinal Tonicity


℞ Olei terebinthinae........3 ij

Tincturae opii.......... 3 iij

Syrupi krameriae........ ℥ ij

Aquae purae ℥ iv

M. Emulsify. S. One teaspoonful every three or four hours.

- A.w. Hagenbach, M. D.

Winter Cholera And Catarrh Of The In Testines


℞ Acidi borici...........3 ss

Aquae bullientis.........℥ j

M. S. One tablespoonful every three hours, and one-eighth of a grain of sulphate of morphine every four hours. - Dr. Jon Vernon.

Epidemic Diarrhoea


℞ Ergotinae.......... gr. xxx

Aquae.............℥ iij

Syrupi.............3 vj

M. S. From a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful every half hour. - M. Massola.

Mucous Diarrhoea With Emaciation


℞ Quiniae sulphatis..........3 ss

Zinci sulphatis..........Э ij

Pulveris opii xv

M. Divide into 30 pills. S. One pill every four hours.


℞ Zinci xij

Aquae..............℥ j

M. S. Inject into the rectum. - Dutcher.

In Diarrhoea With AnĈmia.


℞ Tincturae ferri perchloridi........................3 ij

Syrupi zingiberis......... ℥ j

Aquae..........................................................℥ j

M, S. Two tablespoonfuls twice or thrice a day. - Samuel Fenwick, M. D.