How To Allay Cough And Restrain Expectoration


℞ Copaibae............℥ ij

Tincturae cubebae.........℥ i

Morphiae iv

Syrupi.............℥ j

M. S. Teaspoonful three times a day.

- Prof. A. P. Dutcher.

Chronic Catarrhal Bronchitis


℞ Terebinthinae,

Liquidae picis .......āā 3 ss

Balsami Peruviani......3 jss

Sodii benzoatis q. s. for 80 pills. S. Two of the pills may be given three times a day. - L'union Medicale.

Chronic Bronchitis Of The Aged


Ammoniae carbonatis......3 ss

Spiritus aetheris.........3 iij

Tincturae scillae.........3 jss

Tincturae camphorae compositae . . 3 ij Tincturae lavandulae compositae . . 3 vj

Infusi senegae 3 viij

M. S. Two tablespoonfuls every four hours.

For Old People Where The Mucous Secre Tions From The Bronchi Are Excessive


℞ Tincturae tolutani........3 ij

Syrupi tolutani ..........℥ j

Tincturae camphorae compositae . . 3 iv Mucilaginis tragacanthae . .ad ℥ viij M. S. Two tablespoonfuls three times a day.

Chronic Bronchitis Of Old People


℞ Potassii ferrocyanidi.......3 iv

Syrupi scillae,

Tincturae colchici radicis .............. āā ℥ ss

Morphiae v

Aquae destillatae........℥ iv

M. S. One teaspoonful three or four times a day. - Thomas Hawkes Tanner.

In Senile Chronic Catarrh


℞ Potassii xxxvj

Tincturae conii.........℥ ss

Spiritus aetheris nitrosi,

Oxymellis scillae.......āā 3 vj

Decocti ℥ vj

M. S. One tablespoonful thrice daily.

- Maclachlan.

In Asthenic Bronchitis Of Old Age When There Is No Febrile Action Present


℞ Ammonii iv

Spiritus chloroformi...... xx

Aquae camphorae........3 x

M. To be taken every three or four hours.

- Napheys.

In Chronic Bronchitis Of Old Persons, And Of Those In Feeble Health Predisposed To Diarrhoea


℞ Cinchonae rubrae pulveris,

Sulphuris praecipitati.....āā. 3 v

Syrupi althaeae..........q.s.

Make an electuary, of which give three or four teaspoonfuls daily. - De Smet.

When The Secretions Are Thick And The Expectoration Difficult


℞ Ammoniaci,

Ammonii carbonatis......................āā gr. xv iv

Morphiae jss

Mucilaginis acaciae.......q. s.

M. Divide into 10 pills, and coat with a solution of balsam of tolu in chloroform. S. One pill morning and evening.

- John Williams.

Treatment By Counter-Irritation Acute Bronchitis


℞ Antimonii et potassii tartratis.................Э j

Tincturae cantharidis......3 iij

M. S. Rub a small quantity of this liquid on front of the chest, and apply flannel.


℞ Spiritus camphorae,

Tincturae cantharidis.....āā 3 jss

M. To be employed as above. - De Smet.

Infantile Bronchitis


℞ Linimenti camphorae compositi..............℥ j

Tincturae lyttae..........3 ij

Tincturae opii...........3 j

M. S. Use as a liniment to the chest.

- West.


℞ Ipecacuanhas..........3 iij

Olei olivae............3 ij

Adipis.............℥ ss

M. S. Apply once or twice a day when it is desired to produce an eruption.

- James Turnbull, M. D.