There are seldom great difficulties in this class of preparations. Lime-water to be mixed with oils should be added all at once, and well shaken. By adding gradually, a perfectly homogeneous combination is rarely attained. See that the lime-water is fresh and of full strength. Weak lime-water is generally the cause of failures.

The following are a few examples of exceptional difficulties. The first is a hair-lotion of the character of a liniment:

Liq. ammon. ....

Embrocations And Liniments 661

01. olivae .....

Embrocations And Liniments 662

Paraffin, mollis ....

Embrocations And Liniments 663

Acet. canth. ....

Embrocations And Liniments 664

Aq. coloniensis . . . .

Embrocations And Liniments 665

By a slight modification of the formula, this may be compounded as follows:

First add gradually the acetum cantharidis to the spirit of hartshorn (use the liquor vol. cornu cervi, and not liquor ammon., B.P.), constantly stirring with a glass rod until gas bubbles no longer rise, then rub thoroughly well the paraffinum molle (use vaseline) with the oleum olivae until a creamy compound is formed; afterwards gradually add, little by little, the partly neutralised liquor, constantly rubbing, adding lastly the eau de Cologne.

The prescribing of oils, lanoline, and vaseline in aqueous applications (embrocations or lotions) has now become popular with medical men. The following are typical examples:


Zinci oxidi

Embrocations And Liniments 666



Olei olivae


Liquor, calcis .

Embrocations And Liniments 667


Zinci oxidi,


aa.Embrocations And Liniments 668

Liq. plumbi subacet.


Linim. calcis .

Embrocations And Liniments 669 viij.

The following is the best way to prepare a:

Stir the zinc oxide in a mortar with the lime-water; add the ichthyol (this has a remarkably thinning effect); now add the oil all at once, and triturate. This produces a nice thin cream of brown tint.

Mr. John Lothian found the following modus operandi to give the best results with b:

Triturate the mixed powders in a mortar with the olive oil and transfer to a wet wide-mouthed bottle; mix the liq. plumbi subacet. and the liq. calcis, add all at once, and shake vigorously ; a nice thick cream results. The calamine used was zinc carbonate coloured with Armenian bole.

Other examples:




Zinci oxidi


Olei lini ....

Embrocations And Liniments 670

Sulphur. praecipitat.


Lot. acid. carbolic. (1-40)

ad Embrocations And Liniments 671 xvj.

Rub the powders with water Embrocations And Liniments 672 ss. and heat with the linseed oil on a water-bath for half an hour, stirring well all the time; then gradually add the rest of the water, and, when cold, carbolic acid in requisite proportion.


Ung. hydrarg. ammon. dil.

Embrocations And Liniments 673

Pulv. amyli


Liq. calcis . . ad

Embrocations And Liniments 674

In this case it is necessary to add soap. Dilute the B. P. ammoniated-mercury ointment with lard, add the powdered starch and pulv. saponis 3ij., mix well, and finally emulsify

Embrocations And Liniments 675 , mix well, and finally emulsify with the lime-water.

Lanoline is intractable with more than its own weight of 'water, but soap and saponifying agents facilitate emulsion, 'creams' resulting:

Lanolini anhydrosi ......


Adipis benzoati .......


Liq. plumbi subacet. dil. .....


Melt the fats in a warm bottle, add the liquor, and shake until cold.


Embrocations And Liniments 676

Sulphur sublimat

Embrocations And Liniments 677

Mist, amygdal. amarae .....

Embrocations And Liniments 678

To be painted on every night.

Rub the lanoline in a warm mortar with 2 drachms of powdered white soap, and gradually stir in 4 ounces of the almond mixture, slightly warmed. Mix the sublimed sulphur with the rest of the almond mixture (B.P., but made with bitter almonds), and add it gradually to the contents of the mortar.

Soap is a necessary addition in many cases, e.g.:

Ol. pini sylvestris .....

Embrocations And Liniments 679

Lin. potass. iodid. c sapone..............

Embrocations And Liniments 680


Fiat linimentum....................

Put a drachm of powdered soap in a mortar, and mix the oil with it; then add the potassium-iodide liniment. Sooner or later the preparation becomes brownish in colour, owing to iiberation of iodine due to the ozonising effect of the essential oil.

Vaseline embrocations are exceedingly troublesome. The following prescription could not be compounded by a first-class house:



Zinci oxidi..........................................


Vaselini .......


Aquam calcis.....................................

ad Embrocations And Liniments 681

A fairly good cream was made by another dispenser in the following manner: Pour the melted vaseline into a warm bottle; add the powders, and shake; then add gradually 1/2 ounce of warm lime-water, shaking well, and gradually fill the bottle with cold lime-water, constantly shaking. The modus operandi is intended to comminute the vaseline thoroughly, and the gradual cooling helps to keep it in suspension.

We have never been able to make a satisfactory preparation of the following :

Ext. jaborandi liq. ......

Embrocations And Liniments 682

Tr. cantharidis .......

Embrocations And Liniments 683


Embrocations And Liniments 684


Embrocations And Liniments 685

The best plan is to use vaseline oil (paraffinum liquidum, B.P.) in place of the vaseline, mixing in the order given.

A favourite prescription with some medical men is a mixture of belladonna extract and liniment, such as the following:

Extract, belladonnae ......


Liniment belladon................................................

Embrocations And Liniments 686

It is the green extract which is here intended, and when it is rubbed up with the liniment there is an abundant separation of chlorophyll and extractive matter, which cannot be avoided. Rub the extract in a mortar with 1/2 drachm of hot water; then gradually add the liniment and strain through a small piece of calico. This is how the prescription is generally dispensed. The active principles are retained in solution. If the liniment is dispensed unstrained, the suspended matter attaches itself to the sides of the bottle. The following are similar cases which should be treated in the same way:


Ext. belladonnae


Tinct. iodi

. 3iv.

Lin. camph. comp.

ad Embrocations And Liniments 687

M. Ft. lin.


Ext. belladonnae


Lin. camph. co.

Embrocations And Liniments 688

M. Ft. lin.

In the case of a, mix the tincture of iodine and liniment of camphor before adding to the thinned extract.


Ext. belladonnae


Lin. ammoniae.

Embrocations And Liniments 689

Rub the extract with 1/2 ounce of solution of ammonia until solution is effected; then agitate with 1 1/2 ounce of olive oil.


Ung. hydrarg. fort. .


01. olivae

Embrocations And Liniments 690

Ol. terebinth. .

Embrocations And Liniments 691

01. caryoph. .


Liq. amnion, fort. .


Mixed in the above order, a good cream results.


Ext. belladonnae viridis


01. olivae opt. -

Embrocations And Liniments 692

Thin the extract with hot water, and add the oil gradually. Do not strain.


Coconut oil .

Embrocations And Liniments 693

Bay rum ....

Embrocations And Liniments 694

Tincture of nux vomica .


Oil of bergamot . a sufficiency

Melt the coconut oil with a gentle heat. Mix the rest of the ingredients and add to the oil, stirring assiduously until it sets.