Put one quart of very ripe blackberries in a granite or porcelain-lined kettle, add a half cupful of water, cover the kettle and when hot stir until the blackberries are thoroughly heated; press them through a sieve sufficiently fine to take out the seeds. Add to this pulp ten lumps of Domino sugar and a half pint of boiling water. Boil two minutes, take from the fire, bottle, cork and stand aside in a cold place. At serving time put four tablespoonfuls of this in a wineglass or small tumbler, and add a tablespoonful of brandy.

The patient must sip this slowly. Good as a mild stimulant for tuberculosis and chronic diarrhoea patients.

Raspberry bounce is made precisely the same as blackberry bounce. Red and black raspberries may be mixed, or each used alone.

Dewberries may be used the same as blackberries.