Individual Recipes

All sauces are quite easily made. The points to be remembered are that the fat and flour must be rubbed together and not heated; the liquid material as a rule must be added cold, and the sauce stirred over hot water until it thickens. For the sick, however, it is wise to add the butter last, as in almost all cases heated butter disagrees. Sauce made according to the following recipes may be eaten, by persons who have weak digestion, without any serious results. Avoid in all cases of sickness heated butter. If butter must be added to vegetables or meats, put it on after they are dished, which will allow it to melt at low temperature.

Sauce A La Poulette

Beat the yolk of one egg until creamy, add slowly one gill (a half cupful) of hot chicken stock or bouillon, and a saltspoonful of salt; stir it over hot water for a minute until smooth like mayonnaise; be careful not to curdle.

Brown Sauce

Put a half cupful of stock in a saucepan, add a level teaspoonful of flour moistened in a little cold stock, stir and boil five minutes, take from the fire, add half a teaspoonful of browning or kitchen bouquet, a level teaspoonful of butter and a saltspoonful of salt. Strain and it is ready for use.

Cream Sauce I

Put a half cupful (one gill) of milk in a saucepan, over a moderate fire, add half a level teaspoonful of cornstarch moistened in a tablespoonful of cold milk. When this thickens, take it from the fire, add a teaspoonful of butter and a saltspoonful of salt.

A teaspoonful of flour may be substituted for the cornstarch.

Cream Sauce II

Put four tablespoonfuls of cream in a china cup, stand it in a little pan of hot water and stir it until it is palatably hot, and add a saltspoonful of salt. Use at once.

This sauce can be used in diabetic cases.

Egg Sauce

Beat the yolk of one egg until creamy, add slowly a half cupful (one gill) of boiling water, stirring all the while. Stand the cup in a saucepan of hot water, and when the sauce is the consistency of mayonnaise take it from the fire, add a teaspoonful of butter, a saltspoonful of salt and a dash of lemon juice.

Serve on green vegetables for diabetic, rheumatic and gouty patients.

Maitre D'Hotel

Beat a tablespoonful of butter to a cream, adding gradually a tablespoonful of lemon juice. When thoroughly mixed, stir in one tablespoonful of finely-chopped parsley, and a pinch of salt, not more than ten grains. Heap in a tiny dish and stand aside until cold.

Serve on broiled, boiled or baked fish.

Melted Butter Sauce

Put three tablespoonfuls of butter in a china cup, stand the cup in a little saucepan of boiling water and let the butter quietly melt. Pour off the top, leaving the sediment in the bottom. Stand the butter aside to harden.

This may be used over vegetables or meat dishes, as directed.

Where a restricted diet must be continued for a long time, and melted butter is admissible, it is wise to melt a half pound at a time in the upper part of a double boiler. Butter melted in this way is called, in cooking terms, "clarified" butter.

Tomato Sauce

Peel two solid, good-sized, ripe tomatoes, cut them into halves and squeeze out the seeds. Cut the tomato into bits, put it in a granite 6r porcelain saucepan, cover and stew fifteen minutes; press through a sieve. Boil this to the proper consistency, take from the fire, add a saltspoonful of salt, five grains of powdered mace, and stir in a level teaspoonful of butter.

This may be used in diabetic or other cases where tomatoes are allowable.