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School of Out-of-Body Travel. A Practical Guidebook | by Michael Raduga

The practice of phase states of the mind is the hottest and most promising pursuit of the modern age. Unlike in the past, the notions of "out-of-body travel" and "astral projection" have already lost their mystical halo, and their real basis has been studied in minute detail from the most non-nonsense approach. Now, this phenomenon is accessible to everyone, regardless of their worldview. It is now known how to easily master it and apply it effectively. This textbook gives each and every person something that previously could only be dreamt about - a parallel reality and the possibility of existing in two worlds. This book is for pragmatic people who are not used to taking anything on faith or reading about empty theories. The book only deals with what works in practice, and nothing else.

TitleSchool of Out-of-Body Travel. A Practical Guidebook
AuthorMichael Raduga
Copyright2009, Michael Raduga
AmazonAdventures Beyond the Body

First Edition

Published here with permission from Michael Raduga

Translated by Peter Orange

Proposals regarding translating and publishing this book and other works of M.Raduga may be sent to

This guidebook is the result of ten years of extremely active personal practice and study of the out-of-body phenomenon(the phase), coupled with having successfully taught it to thousands of people. I...
-Part 1. Entering The Phase State. Chapter 1. General Background
The Essence Of The Phase Phenomenon The term phase state (or simply phase) encompasses a number of widely known dissociative phenomena, many of which are referred to by various terms, such as astra...
-Types Of Techniques
There are three primary types of techniques that make it possible to enter the phase: direct, indirect and dream consciousness. These methods are performed while lying down or reclining, eyes closed, ...
-Recommendations For Using The Guidebook
During classroom instruction at the School of Out-of-Body Travel, several key factors are known to produce positive and negative effects toward the likelihood of success during individual practice: ...
-Exercises For Chapter 1
Questions For Chapter 1: 1. Which alternative states are included in the term phase? 2. How does the phase differ from out-of-body travel? 3. ...
-Chapter 2. Indirect Techniques
The Concept Of Indirect Techniques Genuine practice of phase entrance is best begun with the easiest, most accessible methods: indirect techniques, which are conscious actions performed upon awaken...
-Observing Images
Testing Individual Effectiveness Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Observe the blank space behind the eyes for 3 to 5 seconds and try to locate recognizable pictu...
-Phantom Wiggling (Movement)
Testing Individual Effectiveness Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Try to wiggle a part of the body for 3 to 5 seconds, but without using any muscles. If nothing ...
-Listening In
Testing Individual Effectiveness Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Try to listen to noise in your head. Do this for 3 to 5 seconds without moving and without open...
Testing Individual Effectiveness Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Imagine the physical body is rotating along an axis for 5 to 10 seconds. If no unusual sensatio...
-Forced Falling Asleep
Testing Individual Effectiveness Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Picture a swift, compulsory fall into sleep for 5 to 10 seconds, and then return to wakefulness...
-Secondary Indirect Techniques. Straining The Brain
Testing Individual Effectiveness Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Make 2 to 3 squeezes straining the brain. This is known as straining the brain. If nothing happ...
-Straining The Body Without Using Muscles
Testing Individual Effectiveness This technique involves straining the whole body and differs little from straining the brain. When awakening from sleep, make one to three attempts at straining the...
Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. For three to five seconds, conjure an intense desire to see and literally create a specific object. The object should be envisioned...
-Recalling The Phase State
Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. For three to five seconds, recall the sensations that accompanied a previous phase experience. (This only works if the practitioner...
-Selecting The Right Techniques
The next step to mastering indirect techniques is choosing the right techniques that suit individual predispositions. There is no point in going for one technique or another only because they look int...
-Separation Techniques
Let us begin with a totally shocking fact: during one-third of successful indirect entries into the phase, it is not necessary to perform any specific phase entry techniques, as separation techniques ...
-The Best Time To Practice
The key to practice is the quantity and quality of attempts made that hone a practitioner's skills. There are several windows of time best suited for employing indirect techniques. To begin, it sho...
-Conscious Awakening
Conscious awakening is waking up with a particular thought in mind; ideally, a thought about indirect techniques. In order to start using indirect techniques upon awakening, it is not sufficient to ha...
-Awakening Without Moving
Alongside remembering the phase immediately upon waking, another important requirement is awakening without moving, which is difficult since many people wake up and move. Upon awakening, scratching, s...
-Cycles Of Indirect Techniques
Thus far, indirect techniques used for phase entrance and techniques for separation in the phase have been covered. Conscious awakening and the best times to practice it have also been examined. Now, ...
-Hints From The Mind
Varied cycles of indirect techniques is an almost mandatory precondition for getting the best result. There are some exceptions. Sometimes, through indirect indicators, a practitioner may be inclined ...
-Aggression And Passivity
During the practice of indirect techniques, including technique cycles, unsuccessful attempts may result in falling asleep or becoming completely awake. These results indicate a deficiency or excess o...
-Typical Mistakes With Indirect Techniques
Internal certainty that nothing will happen instead of believing in positive results. Stopping the performance of techniques after an unsuccessful cycle when a minimum of four c...
-Exercises For Chapter 2
Questions 1. Why are indirect techniques the easiest? 2. Why will one technique work for some people and not for others? 3. H...
-Chapter 3. Direct Techniques
The Concept Of Direct Techniques Direct techniques for entering into an out-of-body experience are used without the prerequisite of sleep; by performing specific actions while lying down with the e...
-Body Position
With indirect techniques body position isn't important since conscious awakening regardless of body position is the goal. However, the position of the body is crucial while practicing direct technique...
-Variations Of Using Direct Techniques
Techniques used to gain direct entrance to the phase are exactly the same as those used during indirect attempts. The only difference is in the method of implementation. The techniques are described i...
-The Free-Floating State Of Mind
There are almost infinite descriptions of direct entry techniques offered in literature, stories, on the Internet, and at seminars. Sometimes, one description fundamentally differs from another. In th...
-Exercises For Chapter 3
Questions 1. Which techniques should be mastered before proceeding to direct techniques? 2. Should results from the use of direct techniques be expect...
-Chapter 4. Becoming Conscious While Dreaming
the CONCEPT of techniques involving becoming conscious while dreaming The techniques for phase entrance via becoming conscious while dreaming are based on reaching consciousness and self-awareness ...
-Techniques For Becoming Conscious In A Dream
It is possible to simultaneously practice several techniques for becoming conscious in a dream since every technique is directly compatible and complementary to another. Remembering Dreams Ther...
-Actions To Be Done When Becoming Conscious While Dreaming
To ensure that dream consciousness leads to a fully developed phase experience, one of three specific actions must be taken. The best is the technique is deepening, which should be immediately appl...
-Exercises For Chapter 4
Questions 1. What is the difference between an out-of-body experience and dream consciousness? 2. After attaining dream consciousness, does the realis...
-Chapter 5. Non-Autonomous Methods For Entering The Phase
The Essence Of Non-Autonomous Methods For Entering The Phase Non-autonomous methods of entering the phase are various types of external influences that are able to help put a practitioner into the ...
-Cueing Technologies
Of all non-autonomous assistance methods, cueing technologies yield the best results. The operating principle behind cueing technologies is quite simple: a device detects rapid eye movement (REM) and ...
-Working In Pairs
Working in pairs is considered the second most effective non-autonomous methods of entering the phase. One practitioner is to be the active one, and the other fills the role of helper. The active one ...
-Technologies For Inducing The Phase
The ambition to create a device facilitates quick and easy phase entrance has led to the appearance of assorted technologies that claim to fulfill such a role. As already stated, none of these devices...
-Hypnosis And Suggestion
Hypnosis is a little-studied method of entering the phase. The idea is that a hypnotist is able to cause a person to enter the phase through suggestion or affirmation. There is no doubt that hypnosis ...
-Physiological Signals
The simplest way to supplement the practice is establishing a reminder that prompts conscious awakening and subsequent indirect techniques. This may be accomplished by blindfolding the eyes or tying a...
-Chemical Substances
Since the beginning, the history of advances in phase entrance methodologies has included a direct link to the use of consumable supplements, starting with plants and mushrooms in ancient times. The u...
-The Future Of Non-Autonomous Methods For Entering The Phase
Even though no beneficial non-autonomous technologies currently exist, the future is wide open before them. With the development of effective technologies, the phase will cease as the exclusive dom...
-Exercises For Chapter 5
Questions 1. Are techniques based on breathing be considered non-autonomous methods of entering the phase? 2. Which non-autonomous and non-chemical me...
-Part II. Managing The Out-Of-Body Experience. Chapter 6. Deepening
The Concept Of Deepening Deepening refers to techniques that induce realistic perception and awareness in the phase state. The phase is not an exact, fixed state where a practitioner is present ...
-Primary Deepening Techniques
The goal of primary deepening is to achieve complete separation from the body, allowing further actions within the phase. Primary deepening entails achieving two principal objectives: complete separat...
-Secondary Deepening Techniques
Diving Headfirst Diving headfirst is used if sensory amplification techniques do not work, or when the practitioner in the phase is located in an undefined space where there is nothing to touch or ...
-Exercises For Chapter 6
Questions 1. After which phase entrance techniques is deepening necessary? 2. Why is phase deepening necessary? 3. Are there ...
-Chapter 7. Maintaining
The General Concept Of Maintaining Phase maintenance or maintaining refers to techniques that allow a practitioner to remain in the phase for the maximum amount of time possible. Without knowledg...
-Techniques And Rules Against Returning To The Body
Of the following techniques, constant sensory amplification and as-needed sensory amplification are applied the most often while performing phase maintenance. However, as opposed to other technical el...
-Strengthening Vibrations As Needed
In this case, vibrations are created and strengthened only if signs of a foul become apparent. Examples of foul indicators include duality of perception or blurred vision. Strengthening vibrations wil...
-Techniques And Rules For Resisting Falling Asleep
Constant Understanding Of The Possibility Of Falling Asleep Most of the time, falling asleep while in the phase can be overcome by a constant awareness that sleep is possible and detrimental to a c...
-Techniques Against An Unrecognized Phase
Since the techniques of testing the realness of the end of the phase are a little absurd and demand additional attention to actions, they should only be used in those cases when they are indeed requir...
-Exercises For Chapter 7
Questions 1. What is a foul? 2. What is the minimum duration of the phase? 3. What do phase maintenance (maintaining) techn...
-Chapter 8. Primary Skills
The Essence Of Primary Skills When dealing with a fully-realized phase, requisite knowledge is not limited to entry techniques, deepening and maintenance of the state, translocation, or finding and...
-Emergency Return. Paralysis
Statistics show that in one-third of initial phase experiences, a practitioner is faced with a degree of fear that forces a return to the body. Periodically, even experienced practitioners face situat...
-Fighting Fear
Fear in the phase is a very common occurrence. The practitioner may experience fear at any stage, although it is expressed much more clearly during initial practice. The causes of fear are very divers...
-Creation Of Vision
Vision is often available at the very beginning of a phase, especially when the practitioner uses image observation and visualization techniques to enter. Sometimes vision appears within the first few...
-Contact With Living Objects
Two problems may surface while conversing with animate objects in the phase: silence or a return to the body. In view of the fact that many phase applications are based on contact with people for one ...
Reading text in the phase may be accompanied by a number of difficulties. First, small print becomes illegible because the affects of hyper-concentration may distort text. This problem is solved by us...
The phase is often accompanied by an unforgettably unusual sensation that may be used successfully to enter, deepen or maintain the phase. It is difficult to describe it better than the sensation of a...
-Techniques For Translocating Through Objects
In a deep phase, the properties of the surrounding environment become very similar to the physical world. However, it may sometimes be necessary to pass through a wall or translocate to avoid a physic...
The realism of the phase space does not impose limits on the ability to perform actions that cannot be performed in the physical world. It is important to remember that only a practitioner's apprehens...
-The Importance Of Confidence
A crucial factor in developing phase abilities is self-confidence in the ability to use the skills. Initially, these abilities are absent because the human brain, tuned in to ordinariness, blocks conf...
-Moral Standards In The Phase
From the very beginning, it should be understood that the moral compass of phase space has nothing in common with the properties and laws in the physical world that promulgate reality. The phase space...
-Typical Mistakes With Primary Skills
When trying to discern whether or not a phase is intact, a judgment is based on a similarity to the departed physical environment. In the phase, physical attributes are simulations. &midd...
-Exercises For Chapter 8
Questions 1. Are there skills in the phase that must first be mastered before the phase may be used to its full extent? 2. Is it possible to understan...
-Chapter 9. Translocation And Finding Objects
The Essence Of Translocation And Finding Objects Like everyday reality, the phase space cannot be used for certain purposes if it is not known how to move around and find necessary things. In a wak...
-Techniques For Translocation
Translocation Through Teleportation This is one of the simplest and most accessible techniques that beginners should use right away. To apply it, shut the eyes (if vision is present), and then conc...
-Object Finding Techniques
Technique Of Translocation All translocation techniques are also applicable to object finding techniques since the use of both techniques requires altering the surrounding the space. Instead of con...
-Exercises For Chapter 9
Questions 1. What becomes possible with the ability to translocate in the phase? 2. What becomes possible with the ability to find objects in the phas...
-Chapter 10. Application
The Essence Of Applications For Phase States Phase perception initially causes so much emotion and variety of experience that the practitioner is often not concerned with the question of how the ph...
-Applications Based On Simulation
Many wonder about the nature of the phase state in relation to the brain, i.e. whether or not the phase is all in one's head. But in the context of applying the phase, this is not a valid concern. Pe...
-Applications Based On Contact With The Subconscious Mind
Assume that the phase state is just an exceptionally unusual state of brain and that perception within it is no more than an unusually realistic play of its functions. Assume that a practitioner in th...
-Obtaining Information In The Phase
There are three basic techniques for obtaining information in the phase. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages that must be studied and learned before use. Animate Objects Technique ...
-Application Based On Influencing Physiology
There are three main elements that, with the help of the phase, may influence the physiology in very beneficial ways. First, it is possible to contact the subconscious mind to learn how to influence p...
-Unproven Effects
People often approach the practice of various phase states with deep-rooted misconceptions about what can actually be achieved through practice. Everything listed in this section refers to these misco...
-Use Of The Phase By The Disabled
While practicing the phase may still be viewed by the majority as entertainment or an element of self-development at best, phase practice takes on a whole new meaning for the physically disabled. For ...
-Typical Mistakes When Using Applications
Attempting an applied use of the phase without reaching a good depth. Deepening must always be performed before applications are attempted. Being so involved in phase applicatio...
-Exercises For Chapter 10
Questions 1. What are the three basic applications of the phase? 2. Are proven practical phase applications accessible to any practitioner? 3. ...
-Part III. Auxiliary Information. Chapter 11. Useful Tips
A Pragmatic Approach The only sure way to get practice without unnecessarily wasting time is to have a pragmatic and rational approach to the nature and possibilities of the phase phenomenon. Th...
-The Right Way To Keep A Journal
Keeping a journal can be of much help while learning and practicing the phase. When properly kept, a journal can help a practitioner to develop an analysis that will increase the quality of phase expe...
-Chapter 12. Practitioners' Experiences
The Significance Of Other People's Experiences The ability to analyze the experiences of others can be a great supplement to personal training. This allows a practitioner to review and think throug...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences
No. 1. Boris Pronyakin. Copywriter. Kiev, Ukraine I woke up in the correct state. I immediately felt vibrations, and before I had time to time to think about anything, I was knocked out of my bod...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 2
No. 4. Ivan Yakovlev. Student. Antwerp, Belgium I don't know what woke me up, but I knew right away that something was out of order. I could not open my eyes, and my body was almost just asking to ...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 3
No 6. Alexander Furmenkov. Student. Saint Petersburg, Russia I woke up at early in the night after some difficulties with falling asleep. Blurred images started to float before my eyes and I realiz...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 4
No. 8. Alexander Dyrenkov. Student. Moscow, Russia My first entry happened at night. I was lying in bed and thinking about the phase, as I had been unable to fall asleep for a while. I dozed off fo...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 5
No. 10. Oleg Sushchenko. Sportsman. Moscow, Russia Last night I spent about an hour developing the interplay of images in my mind after I no left felt any feeling of kinesthetic sense. I was lying ...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 6
No. 11. Alexander Lelekov. Computer Programmer. Saint Petersburg, Russia I tried all night to use the Astral Catapult that cues you when you're dreaming, but I gave up on the idea after several uns...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 7
No. 12. Boris Bender. Movie Technician, Experienced Practitioner Of The Phase. Moscow, Russia I became conscious in my dream almost immediately after falling asleep. I was in my apartment standing ...
-Analysis Of Selected Practitioners' Experiences. Part 8
No. 13. Alexei Teslenko. It Engineer, Experienced Practitioner Of The Phase. Moscow, Russia Actually, I was not planning to travel that night, but when I woke up around midnight I decided to try to...
-Exercises For Chapter 12
Tasks Try to assess the experiences described above using the rubric below. The answers are located in the appendix. 5-Point System For Assessing The Quality Of Out-Of-Body Experiences (Phases) ...
-Chapter 13. Putting A Face On The Phenomenon. Stephen Laberge
Stephen LaBerge was born in 1947 in the United States. At the age of 19, he received a Bachelor's Degree in mathematics from Arizona State University, after which he enrolled as a graduate student...
-Carlos Castaneda
Due to Carlos Castaneda's desire to follow the spiritual practice of the Warrior's Path, which entails erasing one's personal history, the details of his biography are unclear. As far as Castaneda...
-Robert A. Monroe
Robert Monroe was born in the United States in 1915. In 1937, he graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Engineering. He worked for some time as a radio program producer and director...
-Patricia Garfield
Patricia Garfield was born in 1934 in the United States. From the age of 14, she kept an uninterrupted daily dream journal that would allow her and all of humanity great insight into dreams phenom...
-Sylvan Muldoon
Sylvan Muldoon was born in the United States in 1903. He is considered to be the American pioneer in the study of the phase, although he used the esoteric term astral. He inadvertently woke up in ...
-Charles Leadbeater
Charles Leadbeater was born in England in 1847 (1854 according to some sources). After dropping out of Oxford due to hard times, Leadbeater became an ordained priest, but then became quite active ...
-Robert Bruce
Robert Bruce was born in England in 1955. He has performed his life's work while living in Australia. After studying and promoting dissociative phenomena for many years, by the beginning of ...
-Richard Webster
Richard Webster was born in New Zealand, where he still resides. He is the author of about 50 publications that have sold many millions of copies around the world. However, only one of them, A...
-Charles Tart
Charles Tart was born in the United States in 1937. He received his Ph. D. in psychology in 1963 at the University of North Carolina. Tart also received training at Stanford University. He was one...
-Chapter 14. Final Test
The questions on the test may have one or more correct answers, or none of the answers may be correct. Thus, the questions must be read completely through, and attention must be paid to their implicat...
-Final Test. Continued
16. In Which Situations Should Travelling In The Phase Be Deliberately Discontinued? A) When a fear that a return will be impossible, or a direct fear of death arises. B) When there is a real po...
-A Simplified Description Of The Easiest Method For Entering The Phase Using Indirect Techniques
Upon awakening, without moving or opening the eyes, immediately try to separate from one's body. The separation attempt should be carried out without any imagining, but rather with the desire to make ...
-Out-of-Body Experience. Brief Glossary Of Terms And Definitions
Out-of-Body experience (OBE), Lucid Dreaming (LD), Astral a number of terms united by the phase that refer to the state in which a person, while being fully conscious, realizes consciousness outsid...
-School Of Out-Of-Body-Travel II. Personal Experiences
The School Of Out-Of-Body Travel Michael Raduga's School of Out-of-Body Travel conducts training seminars in many countries around the world. The coursework allows students to master the phase phen...

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