Austria And Hungary

Each of these countries has its own Parliament, Ministers and Government. They have a common army, navy and diplomacy and a controlling body, known as the Delegations.


The legislative power is in the king, the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate. No act of the king has effect unless signed by one of his ministers, who are thus made responsible for all acts of the government.


The administration is under the supreme direction of a Nei-ko or Cabinet consisting of four members, and these are assisted by two others, who are to see that nothing goes contrary to the civil or religious laws of the empire.


The legislative authority is exercised by the king, acting in concert with the Rigsdagor Diet, consisting of an Upper House and a House of Commons. The executive power is in the hands of the king and his responsible Ministers.

German Empire

The supreme government is vested in the King of Prussia (Emperor of Germany) the Bundelsrath and the Reichstag. The former represents the individual States, the latter the German Nation.


The executive power is vested in the King and his responsible Ministers, heads of eight departments. The legislative power is given to a single chamber of representatives, called the Boule.

Great Britain

The absolute power of the British Empire is held by a Parliament, consisting of two houses, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The sovereign is at the head of Parliament, and can alone summon Parliment.


The legislative power rests conjointly with the King and a Parliament composed of two houses, an Upper and a Lower House. The executive department is exercised exclusively by the King, assisted by the Ministers of nine departments.


The supreme executive, as well as the highest legislative authority, is vested in the Great Council, at which the Emperor presides. The Gen-Roin, or Senate, deliberates on legislative matters, but its decisions are subject to the sanction of the Great Council. The executive power, are exercised by a Ministry of ten departments.


The legislative authority is vested wholly in a Parliament, called the States General. The executive is with the sovereign and a council of eight Ministers, the heads of the different departments.

Ottoman Empire

The legislative and executive power is exercised under the supreme direction of the Sultan, by two high dignitaries, the Grand Vizier, the head of the temporal government, and the Sheik-ul-Islam, the head of the church.


The Shah, or King, has absolute power over all his subjects, so far as he does not oppose the doctrines of the Mohammedan religion. Through his direction the executive powers are exercised by a Ministry of seven departments. The whole revenue of the country is at his disposal.


The legislative authority is given to the two houses, Upper and Lower of the Cortes Geraes. The executive rests with the sovereign and a Cabinet of seven responsible Ministers.


The whole legislative, executive and judicial authority is vested in the Emperor, whose will alone is law. The administration is intrusted to four great councils: the Council of the Empire, the Directing Senate, the Holy Synod and the Committee of Ministers. They all communicate directly with the sovereign.


The legislative power is exercised by the King, in conjunction with a Supreme Council of State and a Council of Ministers.


The legislative power rests with the King and Cortes Constituyentes, consisting of a Senate and a Congress. The executive is vested under the King and a Council of nine Ministers.

Sweden And Norway

The legislative authority of Sweden is vested in Diet or Parliament of the realm, in concert with the sovereign. Every new law must have the assent of the crown. The executive power is held by the King, who acts under the advice of a Council of State, consisting of the Ministers of State and ten other members. The legislative power of Norway is held entirely by the Storthing, or Great Court. The King has the right of veto over the laws passed by the Storthing, but only for a limited period. The executive power is in the hands of the King, who acts by the advice of a Council of State composed of two Ministers of State and nine Councilors.