Wren, the Common, or Mo-tacilla troglodytes, L. is a very diminutive bird, inhabiting all parts of Europe, and especially England, where it maintains itself during the severest winters. It is from 3 to 4 inches in length ; the head, neck, and whole body, are of a deep-brown colour.

Wrens construct their nests in the corners of out-houses, stacks of wood, or holes in a wall, being nearly of an oval shape, and composed chiefly of moss, lined with feathers: the female lays from 16 to 18 minute white eggs, marked with red spots ; and produces two broods in a year. - These creatures subsist on small worms and insects : they have, a pleasing note in the pairing season, as well as in the winter, especially when fed with poppy-seed ; and the voice is much strongA er than could be reasonably expected from a little warbler which scarcely weighs three drams.