Lateral (lat'e-ral). Proceeding from or to, or situated at, a side; or at right angles to the length or height. (See Fig. 61).

Leaf and-Dart (lef-and-dart). An ornamental design-water plant and arrows applied to the ogee. (See G and J, Plate XL).

Lintel (lin'tel). A horizontal piece of limber or stone resting across columns or piers, or upon the jambs of a door or window, or spanning any other open space in a wall or in a columnar construction, and serving to support superincumbent weight. (.See Fig. 2).

Liscel (lis'tel). A small, square moulding generally used in conjunction with a larger member; also termed a fillet. (See Fig. 5).

Lobes (lobz). Projections, especially when of a rounded form.

Longitudinal (lon-ji-tQ'di-nal). Of or pertaining to length.

Lotus (lo'tus). An Egyptian water plant, often used as a decorative motive in Egyptian architectural forms.

Lozenge (loz'onj). A figure having four equal sides, with two acute and two obtuse angles. (See Fig. 9).

Lysicrates (li-sik'ra-tez). The name of a Greek choragus, which has been given to the finest surviving Greek choragic monument. (See Figs. 75, 7G, and 77).


Macedonia (mas-e-don'i-a). A county north of Greece.

Marcellus (mar-sel'lus). The Theater of Marcellus is the name of a Roman Doric building of circular plan, built in Home. (Sec Figs. 113 and 125).

Mars Ultor (marz ul'tor). (Sometimes called Mars Vengeur.) Mars was the Roman god of war. A temple in the Forum Augusti consecrated B. C. 2, built in the time of Augustus, (Sec Fig. 129).

Mechanical (me-kan'i-kal). Exact; the opposite of free; inartistic; laid out according to strict rule.

Member (mem'ber). A part of an Order or of a building; a column or a moulding.

Metope (met' o-pe). A slab inserted between two triglyphs of the Doric frieze; sometimes, especially in late work, cut in the same block with one triglyph or more. (See Fig. 54).

Minerva Polias (mi-ner'va po'li-as). The name of a Greek Ionic Temple on the Acropolis in honor of one of the three chief Greek divinities, the daughter of Jupiter (See Plate XLIV.) A temple in honor of the same goddess was erected at Priene in Asia Minor. (See Plate XLVI).

Miletus (mi-le'tus). A town in Asia Minor near which is the temple of Apollo Didymceus. (See Fig. 94).

Minute (min'it). One of the divisions of the module, generally thirty in number for the Greek Orders, twelve for the Roman Doric, and eighteen for the Roman Ionic and Corinthian. (See Part).

Miter (mi'ter) An angle of 45°; or, in construction, the union of two pieces of moulding at an angle of 45°. When the abutting pieces are dressed to an angle greater or less than 45°, the joint is properly called a bevel-join. (See Fig. 20).

Modillion (mo-dil'yon). A projecting bracket or block used under the corona in the cornice of the Corinthian, the Composite, and-occasionally-the Roman Doric Orders; a corbel;a bracket. (See Fig, 133).

Module (mod'ul). A unit of measure used in working out the proportional parts of an Order of architecture, invariably one-half the diameter of the column at its base.

Monotriglyphic (mon-o-tri-glif'ik). That mode of intercolumniation which, in the Doric Order, requires the spaced use of one triglyph and two metopes in the entablature above. (See Fig. 18).

Moulding (mold'ing). An architectural ornament or member with a surface of varying contour; a projecting member. (See Fig. 5).

Mutule (mu'tul). A projecting piece in the form of a flat block with an ornamented under-surface, placed under the corona of the Doric cornice and corresponding to the modillion of the other Orders. (See Fig. 8).


Naos (na'os). The central room of a Classic temple, where were placed the statue and ceremonial altar of the divinity. (See Figs. 32, 33, and 34).

Nave (nav). The main central portion of a church extending-between the side columns-from the choir back to the main entrance.

Neck (nek). The part of a column occurring between the capital and the shaft. (See Fig. 3).

Nemea (ne-me'a). A valley in Argolis, celebrated for the Temple of Zeus Nemeus. Also where the Nemcan games were held.

Nerva (ner'va). The name of one of the Roman Forums.

Nike Apteros (nl'ke ap'te-ros) A temple on the Acropolis built in honor of Nike, goddess of Victory. Also called Wingless Victory.

Nimes (Nem). A city in southern France containing a Corinthian rectangular temple approached by a flight of steps, built during the reign of Hadrian, often called the Maison Carree. (See Fig. 131).

Norcia (nor'cha). A small Etruscan town in central Italy. Normand (nor'maund). A French writer on architecture living during the Renaissance.


Octastyle (ok'ta-stil). Having eight columns-as a portico of a building having eight columns in front. (See Fig. 34.) Odeum (o-de'um). One of a class of buildings akin to theaters, designed primarily for the public performance of musical contests of various kinds.

Ogee (o-je'). A cyma recta or cyma reversa; a moulding consisting of two members, the one concave, the other convex, or a round and a hollow. (See Fig. 5).

Opisthodomos (op-is-thod'o-mos). An open vestibule within the portico of a temple a1 the end behind the cella ; in most ancient temples corresponding to the pronaos at the principal end.

Order for'der). A column entire (including base, shaft, and capital), with a superincumbent entablature, viewed as forming an architectural whole or the characteristic element of a style. (See Figs. 3 and 50).

Orientation (o-ri-en-ta'shon). The location of a structure in regard to the direction it faces, especially in fronting toward the east.

Outline (out'lin). A line which marks or bounds the outside of a figure; a sketch of any scheme.

Ovolo (o'vo-lo). An egg-shaped moulding in Roman work, sometimes a quarter of a circle in section, but-in Greek work-generally part of an ellipse or hyperbola. (See Fig. 5).