The convenience of the developing process is not fully realized without a convenient means of duplicating exposures when printing. Success in producing uniformly good prints on developing paper depends largely on accuracy of exposure, and we herewith call to your attention two printing machines, each offering a convenient, reliable and accurate means of accomplishing this end.

Both the Artura Printer and the Century Automatic Printing Machine are giving complete satisfaction in many studios - convincing proof of their merit and desirability.

The Artura Printer is equipped with a special type of arc lamp which furnishes a steady actinic light consuming a minimum

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Artura Printer with Print in Contact

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Artura Printer Showing Back Partly Raised

amount of current. The exposures are made by opening and closing a shutter which operates between the light box and printing cabinet. This shutter is of an orange color, semi-transparent and when closed floods the interior of the printing cabinet with a safe orange light, allowing the operator to correctly place the printing paper on the negative. The Century Machine is equipped with six incandescent electric lamps - five white and one red. The white lamps automatically light and go out with the operation of the back. As soon as the print is in perfect contact with the negative the white lamps are automatically lighted and when the back or cover is released the lamps are automatically extinguished. The red lamp burns continuously to allow for the proper placing of negatives and prints.

For large quantities of work where speed in printing is essential, the Arturo Printing Machine being equipped with an arc lamp of great actinium power will prove the most efficient.

The economy of the Century Automatic Printer is a point in its favor, as the printing lamps burn only during the actual exposure. With negatives of average density the exposures are not too long to be perfectly practical, and if speed is a factor Tungsten incandescent lamps may be used. Tungsten lamps supply a more actinium light than the ordinary type of incandescent lamps and both types are interchangeable in the Century Automatic Printer.

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Century Automatic Printer, Front View

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Century Automatic Printer, Rear View, Showing Arrangement of Lamps

Vignetting, double printing, etc., are easily accomplished on either machine in a more satisfactory manner than is possible with printing frames. Every need is provided for in both machines and your dealer will give you any further details you may desire.

Right now before the heaviest rush of the year starts you should install one of these machines. Don't delay - you will need it during the rush days when printing room efficiency means dollars and cents.


The Artura Printer, size 11 x 14, complete with special arc lamp . .

$58 50

Ditto, without Special Arc Lamp .

88 50

The Artura Printer, size 20 x 24, complete with Special Arc Lamp . .

75 00

Ditto, without Special Arc Lamp .

55 00

Century Automatic Printing Machine, No. 1, size 8 x 10 ....

25 00

Century Automatic Printing Machine, No. 2, size 11x14. . . .

85 00

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By R. M. Wilson Pueblo, Colo.

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By R. M. Wilson Pueblo, Colo.

Platinum Perfection

Eastman Etching Sepia Platinum is popular with photographers and patrons alike. With photographers because of its quality, reliability and simplicity and with patrons because the prints possess a rich, rare tone - a delicacy and beauty of finish beyond anything in sepia prints they have ever seen.

Etching Sepia produces prints of real artistic merit - prints that appeal to people of refinement - prints that will add tone to the best work of every photographer and prints that will sell at top-notch prices.

Eastman Etching Sepia Platinum produces prints in sepia equalling in printing quality the warm black prints produced on Eastman Etching Black.

Both of these excellent platinum papers are coated on buff stock in two surfaces, smooth and rough.

For the smaller sizes in portraits the smooth surface is the most desirable and for the medium and larger size prints the breadth and softness of the rough surface is ideal.

Let Etching Sepia and Etching Black assist you in securing and holding the best patronage in town. They are made specially for that purpose and are doing all that is claimed for them.

By giving E-S and E-B a permanent position in your studio you are adding two business bringers to your corps of assistants - two assistants capable of producing the greatest amount of profit.

The most desirable business comes to those photographers who make the strongest bid for it. Raise your bid with the two platinum papers that will make friends for you among the most desirable patrons.


Just too late for insertion in the October number of Studio Light we received a communication from M. C. Bennett in which he states that a suit case belonging to him was removed from the office of the Y. M. C. A. at Indianapolis during the Eastman Professional School held in that building Sept. 13, 14, 15. The suit case contained a book of sample coupons, also many letters of recommendation from photographers of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio.

Mr. Bennett requests that he be notified in case any one should present this book and represent themselves to be him.

A communication addressed to M. C. Bennett, in care of Carver Art Studio, Alexandria, Ind., will reach him, and any information in regard to the missing suit case will be appreciated.

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From An Artura Iris Print

By R. M. Wilson Pueblo, Colo.