Fortune is sometimes won by chance, but success is achieved by hard work, close application to business, courtesy to customers and a standard of quality maintained and properly advertised. Lay a foundation of quality and build upon a certainty, using only the materials that are dependable and which may be relied upon at all times.

Uncertainty should, as far as possible, be eliminated. It weakens the structure one has taken infinite pains to build. It is easier to tear down than to build up, hence the necessity for building right.

Artura has stood the test by helping to make the permanent structure of many a photographer's success.

Artura is the best foundation because its success is built on quality. An important part of this quality is its uniformity. Artura runs the same, every gross alike, every day in the year. The results you secure to-day may, with certainty, be produced to-morrow, next week, or next year.

Artura also has extreme latitude; it allows for the maximum of over or under-exposure. Prove this statement to your own satisfaction by making a test. You will be convinced that the great latitude of Artura makes it the cheapest paper for your own use because there is the minimum of loss from incorrect exposure.

Add to these qualities the richness of tone, transparency of shadows and wonderful scale of gradation and you have the secret of Artura Success - Your Success if you choose to make it so.

20 Days Left

Not very much time, to be sure, but the amount of prize money to be distributed in the Kodak Advertising Contest is incentive enough for you to devote a part of the remaining month to this work.

$500.00 is a good price to pay for a single picture 5 x 7 or larger, but some photographer will receive this amount and the money will not go to a previous prize winner. You will not compete with anyone who has previously won a prize in this Contest.

This means you have a better chance than ever, for a class has been made for former prize winners only. This has been done so that you may not have to enter your pictures against those of photographers who have had more experience in this class of work. It is to encourage you - to draw out more talent than ever before and to make the chances more even than would be the case if the class were free for all.

Suppose you don't win the first prize - there are other prizes, and besides the prizes, we purchase many of the pictures that are less successful. In last year's contest ten prizes were awarded. In addition to these ten prize pictures we purchased twenty-three of the less successful pictures for future use in our advertising. So in reality our prize money is even bigger than we advertise it to be.

You undoubtedly have an idea for a good advertisement. Illustrate the idea and enter it at once in the contest. It will help you to become proficient in the making of pictures of value to advertising concerns. They are always willing to pay a good price for the picture which tells a story or has a selling argument. Send at once for the illustrated Souvenir Portfolio of the 1910 Contest and full information regarding the 1911 Contest.

That Iowa Controversy

In the July Studio Light we made the claim that eight of the prizes awarded at the Iowa convention were on Eastman papers, and that all other papers (including carbon) took the remainder. At that time we put no loud pedal on the matter of first prizes, but now call attention to the fact that the first prize in the Grand Portrait Class, the most sought after prize at every convention, was awarded to Mr. Melvin H. Sykes, of Chicago, the print being on Eastman Etching Sepia Platinum.

The first prize, Class B, went to Mr. J. A. Clay, Cedar Falls, Iowa, on an Angelo print, and the first prize in Class D to Mrs. A. D. Presley, Woodbine, Iowa, on an Artura print. Two of the remaining first prizes were carbon prints.

In connection with the award made to Mr. J. A. Clay we wish to state that the Ansco company evidently had an error in their report, they having published that Mr. Dyall won this prize on Cyko. Our report said Mr. Clay had won on Angelo. Abel's Photo Weekly also said Mr. Clay had won, and to verify the matter before writing this article we telegraphed Mr. Clay as follows:

"Did your Sioux City exhibit on Angelo win first or second? Please wire our expense." To which he replied:

'Took first prize on Angelo Sepia Platinum."

[Signed] J. A. Clay.

Other prize winners on Eastman papers at the Iowa Convention were: J. W. Mc Nees, Ar-tura; W. H. Dinsmore, Artura; J. C. Scoles, Angelo; A. M. Noland, Artura; Anton Goeser, Artura.

After all the shouting to the contrary, we can prove that, as per our statement in July Studio Light, three first prizes and a total of eight prizes went to prints on Eastman papers. Two prizes went to carbon prints. As to who won the rest we are not sure.

We said in connection with our statement: "And we can prove it.

We have now given the names. We have the telegrams and letters to back this all up.

Artura, the Real Success - because its success is based on superiority.