
Eggs Molet, Tomato Sauce

Fried Perch (293)

Hamburg Steaks with Fried Onions (108)

Julienne Potatoes (799)

Buckwheat Cakes (330)

1310. Eggs Molet, Tomato Sauce

Boil twelve fresh eggs for five minutes, remove and plunge in cold water for one minute, then take up and shell carefully. Arrange on a deep dish, place three gills of tomato sauce (No. 16) in a saucepan and reduce on the range to one gill, pour the sauce over the eggs and serve.


Crab Meat, au Gratin (782)

Veal Chops, Philadelphia (685)

Noodles with Brown Butter

Potatoes, Fondante (56)

French Pancake (17)

1311. Noodles With Brown Butter

Prepare the same quantity of noodles as in No. 334, plunge in two quarts water with a teaspoon salt and boil for thirty-five minutes. Drain on a sieve, then place on a dish, season with a half teaspoon salt and two saltspoons white pepper and mix well with the seasoning. Place an ounce butter in a frying pan, toss it on the fire until of a nice brown colour, then pour over the noodles and serve.