Chocolate Ribbon Cake

1 teacupful sugar. 1 cupful milk.

2 teaspoonfuls baking powder sifted with 2 cupfuls of flour. 1 tablespoonful butter. 1 egg.

Mix in the usual manner. Divide the cake batter into two. parts, and add 8 tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate to ½ the batter for the dark part. This rule will make four layers, two of light and two of dark. Put together alternately with the following cream:

1 cupful sweet milk. 1 egg.

2 teaspoonfuls corn-starch or flour.

3 tablespoonfuls sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls chocolate. Cook until it thickens and spread. Chocolate Frosting may be used instead.

Cocoanut Cream Cake

1 cupful sugar. ½ cupful butter.

2 cupfuls flour sifted with 1 teaspoonful of baking powder. Whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff. ½ cupful water.

Bake in layers and put together with the following cream filling:

1 pint sugar. ½ cupful water.

Boil until it thickens in water. Take the beaten whites of 3 eggs, pour the syrup over them, stirring all the time. Flavor with vanilla. Stir until thick enough to spread. Frost each layer with this with cocoanut added. Frost the top and sides of the cake and sprinkle with cocoanut. Desiccated cocoanut may be used instead of the fresh.

Cocoanut Layer Cake

1½ cupfuls white sugar and ½ cupful butter creamed together.

3 egg yolks beaten with this. 2/3 cupful water.

2 teaspoonfuls baking powder sifted with 3 cupfuls of flour. Add the beaten whites of the 3 eggs. Bake in layers, and put together with chocolate icing, or chocolate frosting. A soft frosting with desiccated cocoanut may be used. Sprinkle over each layer after frosting, and over the frosting on the top. Grated fresh cocoanut is more ornamental than the desiccated.

Rolled Cream Cake

1 cupful sugar.

1½ cupfuls flour sifted with l egg.

1 tablespoonful butter. 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder 2/3 cupfuls of milk.

Bake in 1 large sheet in a well-buttered dripping pan. When done spread the underside of the cake with the Cream Filling. II. Cut the sheet in strips four inches wide and roll carefully. Out in slices from the end.

Cream Layer Cake

1 cupful sugar.

2 eggs.

½ cupful butter. 1½ cupfuls flour.

1 teaspoonful cream tartar in the flour.

A cupful cold water.

½ teaspoonful soda dissolved in the water. Flavor with vanilla, Bake in three or four layers. Put together with either of the Cream Fillings given at beginning of department.

Walnut Layer Cake

1 cupful granulated sugar. Yolks of 3 eggs, whites of I.

½ cupful sweet milk.

1 teaspoonful cream-tartar.

½ cupful butter.

2 cupfuls flour sifted with ½ teaspoonful soda. Bake in three layers and put together with the following.

Nut Filling

1 cupful granulated sugar. 1/3 cupful water. Boil together until stiff, not brittle, when tried in cold water. Beat the 2 whites of the eggs, remaining from the cake, to a froth. Turn on the boiling sugar. Beat hard until a cream. Mix 1 large cupful of chopped walnut meats with 2/3 of this cream, and spread between the layers. Spread the 1/3 remaining over the top and press into it,while moist, whole halves of the walnut meats for ornament. Hickory nuts may be substituted for walnuts.