The cherry season began with me this year on the 14th of June, with the Early Purple Guigne, just a week in advance of the earliest date at which I remember ever to have had ripe cherries. Belle d'Orleans was probably ripe about the same time, but was accidentally overlooked until several days afterwards. In view of the uncommon earlincss of the season, the 4th of July, instead of being, as usual, the height of the cherry season, (or even, in some years, the very beginning of it,) became a sort of starting-point from which to reckon late varieties. Those ripening with me after that date were, Morello and Royal Duke, on the 5th; Sweet Montmorency and Spar-hawk's Honey, (the latter doubtful,) on the 7th; Flemish, 10th; Tradescant's Black Heart, 12th; Archduke, 14th; Late Duke and Belle Magnifique, 20th. (My Late Duke is undoubtedly Belle Magnifique).

On the 24th, the following were exhibited before the Buffalo Horticultural Society: Archduke, Buttner's Yellow, Sweet Montmorency, May Duke, and Belle Magnifique, most of them in good preservation; but, except the May Duke, none of the highest quality. This latter sort I esteem the most valuable for all purposes of all that I grow, (over thirty varieties.) It began to ripen this year - as it has also done before - on the 22d of June, and there are some still hanging upon the trees to-day, (July 28th.) Three days since U gathered a small quantity, of which the flavor was exceedingly rich. Its very peculiar habit of ripening by installments - some branches, or even trees, being a fortnight or more later than others - gives it a longer season than any other sort that I know. We have some trees, indeed, which seem to differ a little in a few particulars from the others, for with the general characteristics of the May Duke, their fruit is usually rather more heart-shaped, a little firmer-fleshed, and slightly later.

This I have before mentioned as Late May Duke. I am not quite satisfied yet of its being a distinct sort, but incline to that opinion.

Sweet Montmorency was rather better than last year, very sweet, juicy, and of pretty fair quality, when very ripe, but quite too small to be valuable; with high cultivation, which I did not give it, it may prove of more value. Belle Magnifique is very handsome and large, but entirely too acid to be palatable. Royal Duke pleases me much; it was this season quite large, (larger than May Duke, to which it bears a strong resemblance*) and of a rich, although rather acid, flavor. Of the several other varieties above named, I entertain but a poor opinion, not deeming either of them worth growing.

Late Cherries #1

We have just received a letter from Dr. kirtland, in which he says, in reference to the inquiries of " An old Subscriber,"that the Red Jacket and Tecumseh Cherries ripen a few days later than Downer's Late Red, and are superior to it in almost every point. They are described in Mr. Elliott's Fruit Book.