L. Wetherell, and J. W. Seward.

Executive Committee

Levi A. Ward. Mathew G. Warner. Patrick Barry, John Grey, Jason W. Sewara, and L. Wetherell.

On motion of J. W. Bissell, a committee of six were appointed by the Chairman on the part of the Society, to co-operate with the Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society in making arrangements for the next State Fair, and especially to arrange the "Floral Hall."

The Chairman announced the following gentlemen as such Committee:

Geo. Ellwanger, J. M. Whitney, H. E. Hooker, C. J. Ryan, Joseph Frost, and R. Donallan.

Mr. J. W. Seward presented specimens of a new variety of Potato, a seedling of Mr. H. N. Langworthy of Irondequoit, which has been very successfully cultivated for market for two or three years past, by Mr. Mandeville, of Irondequoit. After some remarks by Mr. Seward and others, it was referred to the committee on vegetables to give a name to said potato

Mr. J. W. Seward,the special committee appointed at the last annual meeting, for the purpose of procuring members to this society, and soliciting the co-operation of oar citizens in its behalf, having made his report, was reappointed as such committee, together with Mr. W. C. Bloss, for the ensuing year.

On motion of Mr. P. Barry, the thanks of the society were presented to Mr. J. W. Se-ward for his successful efforts as such special committee during the past year.

The thanks of the meeting having been presented to the Hon. Levi A. Ward, for a basket of very fine fruit furnished for the use of the society this evening, the meeting thereupon adjourned. J. A. Eastman, Sec'y.