Syphilis Of The Intestine is seldom met with, and when seen usually appears in the rectum. The small intestine may be involved in cases of congenital syphilis. Small gummata are seen which show a marked tendency to undergo softening and ulceration, the lymphoid tissue being generally the site of the lesions. The rectal form is usually the result of direct infection and the disease may appear as the primary chancre, as papules and mucous patches in the secondary stage, and as gummata in the tertiary. In the third stage there may be such extensive ulceration as to destroy the mucous membrane almost completely for several inches along the bowel; the ulcer usually being at right angles to the long axis of the bowel. The wall of the intestine at the seat of ulceration may become much thickened by a round-cell infiltration. Following this extensive ulceration, cicatrization with contraction and stenosis may occur.