This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Revered Sus'ruta, the son of Vis'vamitra, asks (the following to) the high-minded Divodasa, well-versed in all the eight divisions of Ayurveda, with intellect sharp and as deep as an ocean, as it were, and with all the difficulties in the meanings of the Sastras fully solved. The question is - It has been already said that there are sixty-two* varieties of the Doshas, but how are they divided when taken one, two or all the three at a time' ? 2 - 3.
On hearing his word the great sage and king (Divodasa) with all his difficulties solved was greatly pleased and thus narrated the true conditions to Sus'ruta. 4.
The three Doshas, the (seven) Dhatus, feces and urine - these, in their normal state, hold together the corporeal frame in conjunction with the (six Rasas necessary (for the constitution). 5. .
Puruha or human body has sixteen sub-strata † The Pranas (vis. the organs of sense) are eleven in number while the number of diseases is one thousand one hundred and twenty and that of elementary substances (Dravya) is five hundred and seventy-three, -these have already been explained in detail. The three qualities (viz., Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) have also been explained in connection with the (three) different Doshas (vis., Vayu, Pitta and Kapha) which are generally said to have sixty-two combinations. 6 - 8.
* The reference is to chapter LXIII (Different Combinations Of The Six Different Rasas (Rasa-Bheda-Vikalpa Adhyaya)), but there the number is sixty-three and not sixty-two. The three Dhatus Vayu, Pitta and Kapha, in their normal state, cannot properly be called Doshas. The state in which all the three Dhatus are in their normal state, is said to be the 63 rd. combination (see also para. 8 below}.
† The sixteen sub-strata are the five elementary principles, (viz. - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether) and the eleven sense-organs.
The three Doshas separately have three combinations, viz., where one of the Doshas is aggravated and the other two are in their normal state. Taken two at a time, both of them aggravated, whether equally or unequally (with the third in its normal state), the number of combinations would be nine ; while the number of combinations would be thirteen if they are taken three at a time - all of them aggravated, both equally and unequally (thus making twenty-five in all with the aggravated Doshas). With an equal number of combinations in cases of the diminution of the Doshas (taken one, two or three at a lime) we have fifty combinations. The number of combinations (taken one, two and three at a time) with the aggravated and diminished Doshas mixed together would be twelve only.- Thus making sixty-two in all. 9
The number of combinations, when mixed together, would be innumerable. It, therefore, behoves a physician to treat a patient with the different combinations of the (six different) Rasas after properly diagnosing the disease with a due regard to the aggravation of the different Doshas and without going into any further details. In ameliorating a disease, the physician is the doer of that action the effect whereof is health and the instruments with which the action is performed are the Rasas while the Doshas arc the causes. The opposite hereof is want to health. 10
The Uttara-Tantra, enriched with the sixty-six chapters wherein have been described and explained the order of the words and their meanings, and wherein have been explained very clearly the hidden meanings of the terms for making them clear to persons of weak intellect, has thus been duly explained to you in accordance with your question. 11.
Persons reading, according to the rules laid down, this treatise together with the Uttara-Tantra coming from (the mouth of) Brahma himself, are not abondoned by their wished for objects, that is to say, they are sure to obtain them. This word of Brahma is perfectly true. 12.
Thus ends the sixty-sixth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'rula-Samhita which (deals with and) is called the different combinations of the different Doshas.
Here ends the Uttara-Tantra.
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