
(a). It therefore follows that Panapara houses are less powerful than the Kendras, and Apoklima houses are the weakest houses of all. Of the 4 Kendras again, the biped signs are powerful in the first Kendra, the quadruped sign in the 10th Kendra, the centiped sign in the 7th Kendra and the aquatic sign in the 4th Kendra.

(b). This is used in Stanza 23, Ch. V.

20. The twelve signs beginning from Aries are respectively (Aries) red, (Taurus) white, (Gemini) of the color of the parrot, (Cancer) of the color of Patali (trumpet flower), (Leo) black white, (Virgo) variegated in color, (Libia) black, (Scorpio) of gold color, (Sagittari) of the color of the husk of paddy, (Capricorn) white red, (Aquarius) of the color of Mongoose, and (Pisces) of the color of fish. The signs are known as Plava (a) (depressed) in the direction of their lords. The 2nd house to that occupied by the Sun is known as Vesi.


(a). For the use of this vide stanza 21, Ch. V.