Rutgers College, an institution of learning in New Brunswick, N. J., established by royal charter in 1770, under the name of Queen's college. It was connected with the general synod and theological seminary of the Protestant Reformed (Dutch) church till 1865, when it became an independent literary college, on the condition, however, that its president and three fourths of its trustees should be members in full communion of that church. It received its present name in 1825 in honor of Col. Henry Rutgers, who contributed $5,000 to its fund. Previous to that time its exercises were thrice suspended, once by the revolutionary war and twice by financial embarrassments. The first president was the Rev. Dr. J. R. Har-denbergh, and the second the Rev. Dr. J. H. Livingston. The main college building was erected in 1809, through the efforts of the Rev. Dr. Ira Condict, president pro tem. The Rev. Dr. Philip Milledoler was president from 1825 to 1840, the Hon. A. B. Hasbrouck from 1840 to 1850, and the Hon. Theodore Frelingnuysen from 1850 to 1862. In consequence of its small endowment and of the confusion of the civil war, the college was rapidly losing ground when the Rev. Dr. W. H. Campbell was appointed president in 1863. Under his administration several hundred thousand dollars have been added to its endowment; six new professorships have been created; a large geological hall, a chapel and library, an astronomical observatory, and a new grammar school building have been erected; and the number of students has increased from 60 to more than 200 now (1875) in actual attendance.

In 1866 the state college of agriculture and the mechanic arts was opened as a department of Rutgers college, with a farm of 100 acres. In this department there are three courses of study, one in civil engineering, one in chemistry and agriculture, and a special course in chemistry, so arranged that either a two years' or a four years' course may be pursued, the latter being required for the degree of bachelor of science. Rutgers college has now 12 professorships, affording instruction in Biblical literature, constitutional law, military drill, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, analytical chemistry, engineering and graphics, and other branches common to American colleges. Its library numbers 7,000 volumes, and provision has been made for considerable additions. It has graduated 1,095 classical, 78 medical (from 1792 to 1816), and 71 scientific students, making a total of 1,244. The college has also a grammar school with nearly 200 pupils.