Joseph Thayendanega (Brant), a Mohawk chief, born in Ohio about 1742, died on his estate at the head of Lake Ontario, Canada, Nov. 24, 1807. Having taken a part in the campaign of Lake George in 1755, and in various subsequent conflicts, he officiated after Sir William Johnson's death as secretary of Col. Guy Johnson, superintendent general of the Indians; and when the American revolution began he was instrumental in exciting the Indians against the colonies. Pie took part in the massacre of Cherry Valley, and in other sanguinary affairs. He had been sent about 1760 to Dr. Wheelock's Indian school in Connecticut, , and in 1775-'6 he visited England. He was received with great distinction on a second visit to that country in 1786, and was afterward attached to the military service of Sir Guy Carleton in Canada. He opposed the confederation of the Indians which led to the expedition of Gen. Wayne, and exerted himself to preserve peace between the Indians and the United States. He was, however, zealously devoted to the welfare of his own people, and conspicuous for his efforts to prevent the introduction of ardent spirits among them.

During his stay in England he collected funds for a church, and published the "Book of Common Prayer " and the Gospel of Mark in Mohawk and English. One of his sons in 1811 and 1812 led a body of Canadians and Indians employed by Great Britain against the United States. The "Life of Joseph Brant," by W. L. Stone (1830), has passed through many editions; the latest, New York, 1865.