
Peaches in Cream (1828)

Hominy (145)

Eggs Cocotte. Fleur de Lys

Fried Smelts, Tartare Sauce (47)

French Mutton Chops (49)

Lyonnaise Potatoes (78)

Puffs (313)

2483. Eggs Cocotte, Fleur De Lys

Thoroughly wash a small stalk of tender celery and mince it exceedingly fine. Mix in saucepan a tablespoon butter with teaspoon flour, moisten with one and a half gills milk and mix until it comes to a boil. Add the celery with three saltspoons salt, saltspoon cayenne and saltspoon grated nutmeg, then boil for twenty-five minutes, pour in three-fourths gill cream, lightly mix, then strain the sauce through Chinese strainer in six egg-cocotte dishes, crack two fresh eggs in each dish, season with half teaspoon salt, place them on a tin, set in the oven for five minutes, remove and serve.


Clam Chowder (331)

Baked Live Lobster (952)

Calves' Brains, Brown Butter (1023)

Macaroni Sauveterre (1023)

Apples, Newtown

2484. Apples, Newtown

Peel and core four Newtown pippin, or any other kind of sound and ripe apples, cut them in quarter-inch slices, spread four tablespoons raspberry marmalade at the bottom of a baking dish, arrange the apples, one overlapping another crown-shape, over the marmalade, sprinkle with a tablespoon powdered sugar, then pour over a tablespoon rum, half gill claret, tablespoon kirsch and half teaspoon vanilla essence, then set in the oven for twenty minutes, frequently moistening with their juice, remove and serve.