Ferrum Phos

Whooping cough with vomiting of blood. Inflammatory catarrhal stage.

Kali Mur

If there be white-coated tongue and a thick white expectoration; short, spasmodic cough.

Natrum Mur

When the mucus is frothy, clear and stringy.

Kali Phos

Whooping cough in very nervous, timid, sensitive children (intercurrent). Also when exhaustion sets in.

Kali Sulph

Whooping cough, decidedly yellow, slimy expectoration.

Magnesia Phos

Whooping cough, beginning as a common cold, convulsive fits of nervous cough, ending in a whoop. Give this remedy steadily.

Calcarea Phos

Whooping cough in weakly constitutions, or in teething children, and in obstinate cases with emaciation.

Clinical Cases

My experience in the treatment of whooping-cough, while not extended, has been quite satisfactory to me especially since adopting the biochetnic treatment of Schussier. Under this treatment the cough may he modified , the paroxysms lessened in severity and frequency, and the duration of the disease very materially shortened.

The treatment is substantially as follows: In the earlier stages of the disease Ferrum phos. is given for the febrile symptoms, alternated with Kali mur. for the fibrinous expectoration. If the disease has reached that stage when the cough has become spasmodic in character, ending in the characteristic whoop of nervous origin, then Magnesia phos, is the remedy par excellence, and as this stage is usually readied before the doctor's services are sought this remedy will form the basis of treatment in nine-tenths of all cases. Indeed, a vial of this remedy with directions to give a quantity the size of a pea in hot water every four hours regularly, and repeated whenever a paroxysm of coughing comes on, quite frequently constitutes the whole treatment.

In severe cases other remedies are used according to indications, the character of the expectoration guiding in the selection of the remedy. Calcarea phos. is often used in winding up the treatment as a general restorative, or when the lime salts seem to be deficient.

I usually use the 6x potency of these remedies, though sometimes a lower is demanded. I have never used the higher potencies.

The dose will he equal to that recommended above for Magnesia phos. Very often, indeed, generally, I add the required quantity to water in a tumbler, and give a teaspoonful of the solution at a dose. (Dr. B. F. Beane, Eldorado, O).

Dr. J. T. Frawley, of Cleveland, Ohio, reports a case of whooping cough, which had developed a high temperature and symptoms showing that pneumonia was developing, cured with Kali mur. 3x in hot water, its action was prompt in allaying the acute symptoms.

Child, aet. 18 months, in the last stage of whooping cough, with blistered lips and mouth; black, thin, offensive stools five limes a day; hard and tympanitic abdomen; wasted to a shadow and given up to die by parents and physicians, got completely well from Kali sulph. (C. B. Knerr, M. D).

Case in which Kali sulph. was given Tor whooping cough, which immediately improved. The second day after taking the medicine he complained of stiff neck. The head is inclined toward the left, and the left shoulder raised. Great pain on moving head from side to side, or backward, but can move it forward without pain. This continued seven days. (W. P, Wes-selhoeft, M. D).

Magnes. Phos. For Whooping Cough

In the spring of 1881, when there was an epidemic of whooping cough amongst the children here, a little child, aet. 10 months, was given up by the family doctor. I heard this from the father of the child, who was in great grief. He mentioned that the spasms, which occurred about ten times in the course of the day, were so severe that the little face became quite livid, blue and swollen. I at once gave Magnes. phos. One single powder moderated the spasms so forcibly that they returned only occasionally, and the attacks were quite mild. Five days later I gave some Kali phos., but without beneficial effect, then Cal-carea phos., and it had no good effect, as the paroxysms grew only worse for want of Magnes. phos. I ordered it to be taken again, and in a very short time the spasms and whoop were gone, and the child recovered rapidly. (From the Rundschau).