This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
Mimosa intsia Lin. Sp. Pl. 1508. A large evergreen tree in Malabar, called also acacia Ma-labarica globosa. The juice of the leaves, and bark is used to relieve pains in the bowels. See Raii Historia. Intumescentiae, (from intumesco, to swell,) tumidosi. Disorders attended with a swelling of the body, or a considerable part of it; the second order of the cachexiae.
The same as Introsusceptio, q. v. See Iliaca passio.
(From in, and tuba, a hollow instrument, from the hollowhess of its stalk). A name for the ci-choreum latifolium sive endivia vulgaris. Inula. See Enula.
(From inungo, to anoint). Inunction-. The action of anointing, or the materials which are employed.
(From invado, to attack,) accessio. Inverecundum Os, (from in, not, and vere-cundus, modest; because the os frontis is regarded as the seat of impudence). See Frontis, os.
(From inverto, to turn inwards). See Procidentia uteri.
(From in,and video, to look upon, animis intuendo fortunam alterius). Envy; a depressing passion arising from a consciousness of the superior advantages of another. It induces debility, indigestion, and hectic.
(From the same,) the calyx of an umbelliferous plant. See also Pericardium.
(From Ionia, its native place). See Viola.
La. See Chamaepitys.
Lunaria. lt is clypeolaionthlaspi Lin. Sp. Pl . 910; found in France, Italy, and Spain, said to be detersive, aperitive, etc. but not at present used.
(From ion, the violet). The Grecian appellation of those hard pimples in the face of a violet colour, which the Latins call by the name of varas, and gutta rosacea.
(From ion, the violet, and sac-charum, sugar). Sugar of violets.
lOtacismus, (from the Greek letter )• A defect in the tongue or organs of speech, which renders a person incapable of pronouncing his letters; or where the letter i is frequently and rapidly pronounced.
A restorative alimentary liquid prepared in Japan. It is made from the gravy of half roasted beef, but the other ingredients kept a secret.
Sec Asphodelus luteus.
A. See Scrophularia aquatica.
(From the Hebrew term chirah). Anger quickens the pulse, and hurries respiration, and for a time increases the tone of the whole system. The stomach and bowels are greatly affected; and a stricture on the gall ducts is sometimes produced, so that a jaundice is the consequence; though more frequently the gall is determined more copiously to the duodenum, producing disagreeable complaints in the bowels . Anger also produces haemorrhages from the nose, the lungs, the vessels of the brain occasioning apoplexy, and the haemorrhoidal vessels, particularly in those who are disposed to these evacuations.
During the fit of anger, or its immediate effects, it is said that vomits and purges should be avoided, though few take them in a passion; nor can we see what injury would be produced if they were given.
Anger, called justly"a short madness," will gradually cool; and should any bad effects be left, they must be treated according to their nature.
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