Albert Taylor Bledsoe, an American author and instructor, born in Kentucky about 1808. He entered the military academy at West Point in 1825, graduated in 1830, and served on the frontiers till 1832, when he resigned. In 1833-'4 he was professor of mathematics in Kenyon college, Ohio; in 1835-6, in Miami university. In 1840-48 he practised law at Springfield, 111. In 1848-'53 he was professor of mathematics and astronomy in the university of Mississippi, and in 1853-61 professor of mathematics in the university of Virginia. He took part with the confederates in the civil war. He is author of "An Examination of Edwards on the Will" (1845); "Theodicy, or Vindication of the Divine Glory" (1856); and "Essay on Liberty and Slavery" (1856). After the war he went to England, where he remained for some time. Returning to America, he took up his residence in Baltimore, and is editor of the "Southern Review," published at St. Louis, under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.