Adopted by The American Institute of Architects and Revised 1903.

The architect's professional services consist in making the necessary preliminary studies, working drawings, specifications, large scale and full size details, and in the general direction and supervision of the work, for which the minimum charge is five per cent upon the cost of the work.

For new buildings, costing less than ten thousand dollars, and for furniture, monuments, decorative and cabinet work, it is usual and proper to charge a special fee in excess of the above.

For alterations and additions to existing buildings, the fee is ten per cent upon the cost of the work.

Consultation fees for professional advice are to be paid in proportion to the impor tance of the quest ions involved.

None of the charges above enumerated covers alterations and additions to contracts, drawings and specifications, nor professional or legal services incidental to negotiations for site, disputed party walls, right of light, measurement of work, or failure of contractors. When such services become necessary, they shall be charged for according to the time and trouble involved.

Where heating, ventilating, mechanical, electrical and sanitary problems in a building are of such a nature as to require the assistance of a specialist, the owner is to pay for such assistance. Chemical and mechanical tests, when required, are to be paid for by the owner.

Necessary traveling expenses are to be paid by the owner.

Drawings and specifications, as instruments of service, are the property of the architect.

The architect's payments are due as his work progresses in the following order: Upon completion of the preliminary sketches, one-fifth of the entire fee; upon completion of working drawings and specifications, two-fifths; the remaining two-fifths being due from time to time in proportion to the amount of work done by the architect in his office and at the building.

Until an actual estimate is received, the charges are based upon the proposed cost of the work, and payments are received as installments of the entire fee, which is based upon the actual cost to the owner of the building or other work, when completed, including all fixtures necessary to render it fit for occupation. The architect is entitled to extra compensation for furniture or other articles purchased under his directoin.

If any material or work used in the construct ion of the building be already upon the ground or come into the owner's possession without expense to him, its value is to be added to the sum actually expended upon the building before the architect's commission is computed.

In case of the abandonment or suspension of the work, the basis of settlement is as follows: Preliminary studies, a fee in accordance with the character and magnitude of the work; preliminary studies, working drawings and specifications, three-fifths of the fee for complete services.

The supervision of an architect (as distinguished from the continuous personal superintendence which may be secured by the employment of a clerk of the works) means such inspection by the architect, or his deputy, of work in studios and shops, or of a building or other work in process of erection, completion or alteration, as he finds necessary to ascertain whether it is being executed in conformity with his drawings and specifications or directions. He is to act in constructive emergencies, to order necessary changes and to define the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications, and he has authority to stop the progress of the work and order its removal when not in accordance with them.

On buildings where the constant services of a superintendent are required, a clerk of the works shall be employed by the architect at the owner's expense.