Beef Juice

Broil one-half pound round of beef, cut about four inches square and an inch thick, until both sides are browned and the meat is well warmed through to start the juices. Two minutes should be sufficient. Sprinkle with salt, cut in pieces, place in a presser, lemon-squeezer or potato-ricer and squeeze out all the juice. One-half pound of beef yields two ounces or four tablespoons of juice.

Sufficient juice for two servings is generally prepared at one time. Warm the second serving over boiling water, stirring the juice constantly until it is a little more than lukewarm and serve at once.

Beef Tea - Place 1 pound lean, ground beef in a fruit jar. Add 1 pint cold water, and let stand 1 hour. Place jar in a saucepan of cold water with a cloth on bottom of pan under the jar, and heat water slowly to 140° F. Do not let it boil. Continue two hours, then slowly increase heat until beef tea turns a deep chocolate color. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Canning, Preserving And Jelly Making

To Preserve Foods by Canning we must do two things. First, we must provide sufficient heat to destroy all mi-crospic life that will cause spoilage in food; and, second, we must provide a perfect seal which will prevent the re-entrance of micro-organisms. These problems of preventing spoilage have been practically solved by the improved methods of canning which are explained below.

Blanching For The Cold-Pack Method

Blanching is a preliminary step sometimes used in the cold-pack method of canning. It is no longer considered necessary to blanch all vegetables, and whenever this step can be eliminated it saves time and a certain loss of food substance. Tomatoes and some fruits are blanched to make it easy to remove the skins. Blanching may be done with either boiling water or steam.

Caution In Using Home-Canned Foods

Because of possible danger from botulinus poisoning, it may be well to boil all home-canned vegetables for five minutes after the can is opened. This should be done even if the food is to be served cold in a salad.

1. When the cover is loosened, if there is an escape of air or liquid, it may indicate that gas has been formed by the spoiling of the food.

2. Smell the contents, but do not taste. A peculiar odor indicates spoiled food, and a single taste of food spoiled by botulinus is sometimes fatal.

3. The liquid should be clear, free from all clouded appearance.

4. The food should be firm and free from mold.

5. Do not take any chances. If there is any doubt as to the condition of the food discard it.

6. If the food is in good condition, do not pour off the liquid. Vegetable juices contain minerals and other valuable food substances and may be added to soups, gravies and sauces.

Preserves, Marmalades, Jams, Conserves And Fruit Butters

In making preserves, marmalades, conserves, jams and fruit butters, a larger amount of sugar is used than in canning. The sugar is cooked into the fruit or condensed with the fruit-juice and acts as a natural preservative against yeasts and bacteria. These foods must still be protected from molds, and this is most satisfactorily accomplished by sealing in clean hot jars.