Wipe and cut one pound halibut (cut from nape) in small pieces. Put in stewpan, add body bones and meat contained therein of two one-and-one-half-pound lobsters, three pints cold water, bring gradually to the boiling point and let simmer one and onehalf hours. Strain; there should be one quart fish stock. Cook two tablespoons, each, chopped carrot, onion, and celery, two sprigs parsley, bit of bay leaf and one and one-half teaspoons peppercorns with one cup white wine eight minutes. Strain, add to fish stock and season with salt, cayenne and lemon juice. Cool and add one box granulated gelatine (which has been soaked in one-fourth cup cold water thirty minutes) and whites two eggs. Put on range and stir constantly until boiling point is reached. Remove to back of range and let sim ten minutes. Strain through several thicknesses of cheese-cloth, placed over a fine wire strainer.

Remove meat from lobsters, cut in pieces, and marinate with a French Dressing, substituting lemon juice for vinegar. Place individual moulds in pan of ice water, cover bottoms with jelly mixture and when firm garnish with tough claw meat of lobster, and truffle, cut in fancy shapes. Cover with jelly mixture and when firm, fill with lobster meat, mixed with some of the jelly mixture, just as it is ready to set. Chill thoroughly, remove from moulds, place on lettuce leaves and serve with Mayonnaise Dressing.