Wheat Muffins

Entire Wheat Muffins

Beat three eggs with a cup of milk; melt a tablespoonful of butter, add a tablespoonful of sugar, a little salt, two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Mix in flour enough to make a batter. Bake in large round rings and when nearly done brush some sweet milk over the top of each. Mrs. C. Chafin.

Whole Wheat And Rye Muffins

Sift together one cupful each of wheat and rye flour, one tablespoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt and two level teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Beat one egg lightly, add a generous three-quarter cup of milk and stir into the dry ingredients; then add three tablespoonfuls of melted butter and bake in hot oven twenty-five minutes. Mrs. Lizette Spiel.

Corn Muffins

Sift together one and two-thirds cupfuls of flour, one cupful of corn-meal, either white or yellow, and three level teaspoonfuls of baking-powder; beat to a cream two tablespoonfuls of butter with three tablespoonfuls of sugar and add to them three well-beaten eggs. Dilute this with a pint of milk, add a little salt, beat hard and put into two dozen small, well-buttered gem-pans. Serve hot. They bake in a few minutes.

C. E. Silloway.

Corn Muffins - No. 2

One quart of nice fine corn-meal, one teaspoonful of soda and one-half of a teaspoonful of salt. Sift the meal, soda and salt twice; then add one egg with sour milk enough to make a batter; have some well-greased muffin-tins hot, drop in the corn-bread batter in spoonfuls and bake quick.

S. J. Sawyer.


Rolls For Tea

Make the rolls of bread dough. When they have risen enough, slit each roll lengthwise about an inch deep. When they are baked brush them with thin boiled corn-starch and water, and put back in the oven for a moment. The white of an egg will glaze them also.

Mrs. Hettie Stanwood.

Spiced Rolls

Take a piece of your bread dough or baking-powder biscuit dough and roll it one-half of an inch thick, brush the top with melted butter and cover thick with cinnamon and fine white sugar; begin at one side and roll as jelly cake, then cut it an inch thick and lay in a pan as biscuits, close together, and let them rise. Bake twenty minutes. If baking-powder dough is used bake immediately. Mrs. Walter Butler.

English Breakfast Rolls

Roll one-quarter of a pound of butter into a pound of flour; then add a teaspoonful of good yeast, and break in one egg. Mix it with a little warm milk poured into the middle of the flour; stir all well together, and set it by the fire to rise; then make it into light dough and again set by the fire. Make up the rolls, lay them on a tin, and set them in front of the fire before you put them into the oven, and brush them over with egg.

Mrs. Lily Farnswortii.

Raised Cinnamon Rolls

When yeast bread is ready to knead into loaves, take as much of the dough as is needed and roll out about two-thirds of an inch thick. Spread on top a thin layer of butter, then sugar, and upon this sprinkle cinnamon. Roll the dough as you would for a jelly-cake roll, and slice off as many rolls as you want. Put these in a pan to rise as you would light biscuits. When raised, bake a nice brown. Madge E. Miller.

Sally Lunn (Without Yeast)

Three eggs well beaten, with one cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar added to one cup of sweet milk; mix all together, then stir in enough flour to make a thin batter and add one-half of a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water and also a pinch of salt. Stir briskly and put in a buttered pan and bake in a quick oven. Nice served hot for supper, Mrs. S. H. Leet.


Entire Wheat Drop Biscuits

One-fourth of a cup of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one cup of sweet milk, two scant teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, a generous pinch of salt, enough whole-wheat flour to make a stiff batter. Drop by spoonfuls in heated pans and bake in quick oven twenty minutes.

A Farmer's Wife.

Soda Biscuits

I always have success with soda biscuits and will tell you how I make them. One quart of flour, with one small teaspoonful of soda and a pinch of salt sifted with it, one generous tablespoonful of butter, or lard rubbed with the flour, and enough sour milk or buttermilk to make a soft dough.

Roll out, cut into biscuits and bake in a hot oven. Putting the soda into the flour is much better than putting it into the milk.

Mrs. M.J. Sharp.

Pan-American Rice Biscuits

To every one-half pound of rice flour add one-quarter of a pound of sugar, one-quarter of a pound of butter and two eggs. Beat the butter to a cream, stir in the rice flour and sugar, and moisten the whole with the eggs,which should be well beaten. Roll out the paste, shape it with a round paste-cutter into small cakes and bake from twelve to eighteen minutes in a very slow oven. They are delicious. Maude Cutting.

Abernethy Biscuits

Rub an ounce of butter into one pound of flour, adding a dessertspoonful of sugar and one-half of an ounce of caraway seeds. Mix all together with two eggs, and, if necessary, a little milk. Roll the batter out, knead it into small round cakes, making holes with a fork to allow the steam to escape, and bake in a moderate oven.

Mrs. Jonathan Dixon.

Arrowroot Biscuits

Beat one-quarter of a pound of butter to a cream; add gradually three well-beaten eggs, one-quarter of a pound of flour, one-quarter of a pound of sifted sugar, and three ounces of arrow-root, pounded to crush the lumps. Mix all smoothly together. Have ready a well-oiled tin, and drop the biscuits from a spoon in pieces about the size of a silver dollar.