
Stewed Prunes (1) Grape-Nuts (1371)

Scrambled Eggs, Schmidt

Smelts, Tartare Sauce (47)

Beef, Paysanne Potatoes, Julienne (799)

Scotch Scones (364)

2504. Scrambled Eggs, Schmidt

Cut from a stale sandwich loaf six slices a quarter of an inch thick, toast to a nice golden colour, trim to two-inch-square pieces and spread a teaspoon pate de foie on top of each toast, arrange on a hot dish. Carefully crack eight fresh eggs in a bowl, add a half gill cream, half teaspoon salt and three saltspoons white pepper. Sharply beat up with a fork for one minute, heat a tablespoon butter in a frying pan, drop in the eggs and cook for six minutes, frequently stirring meanwhile. Evenly arrange them over the toasts and send to the table.

2505. Beef, Paysanne

Pick all the meat from the ribs of beef left over from yesterday, and cut in half-inch pieces and keep on a table. Cut two medium, white onions in half-inch pieces, place in a sauteuse with two tablespoons lard, and brown to a nice golden colour, lightly stirring meanwhile. Sprinkle over two tablespoons flour, stir well, moisten with a gill claret and three gills broth (No. 701), and let boil for ten minutes. Add the beef, season with a light teaspoon salt, three saltspoons pepper, a teaspoon French mustard, a half teaspoon chopped chives and a tablespoon sherry, mix well and cook for thirty-five minutes, occasionally stirring meanwhile. Remove, dress the beef in a hot deep dish and serve.


Beetroot Broth (2179)

Crab Meat in Tomatoes

Lamb Steaks, Luxembourgeoise

New Carrots, Vichy (894)

French Pancakes (17)

2506. Crab Meat In Tomatoes

Scald six nice, ripe, fresh, red tomatoes in boiling water for one minute, lift up and peel. Cut off a piece at three-quarters of the height of the tomatoes, to be used as a cover, then with a spoon carefully scoop out the meat without cutting the shells, place and keep on the ice till required. Place one and a half pounds fresh crab-meat flakes in a bowl, season with four tablespoons dressing (No. 863), mix well, then season interiors of the tomatoes with a half teaspoon salt and three saltspoons pepper. Divide the crab meat in the six tomato shells, giving a nice dome-like shape, spread a little mayonnaise sauce on top of each, sprinkle over a half teaspoon chopped parsley, arrange an anchovy in oil ringlike on top of each. Place the tomato on clean lettuce leaves, lay them on a cold dish and serve.

N. B. Place the scooped-out tomato meat in the demi-glace pan (No. 122).

2507. Lamb Steaks, Luxembourgeoise

Cut three steaks, three-quarters of a pound each, from a tender leg of lamb, make a few light incisions around the skin of each and neatly flatten them. Season with a light teaspoon salt and keep on a plate until required. Cut four peeled Bermuda onions in halves crosswise, place on a baking dish, cut side upward, season with a light teaspoon salt and half teaspoon white pepper. Place in a bowl an ounce butter, two tablespoons bread crumbs, a half teaspoon chopped parsley, half teaspoon chopped chives, the juice of a half lemon and half teaspoon French mustard, mix the whole well together, then evenly spread over the onions. Set in the oven for twenty minutes, heat a tablespoon butter in a frying pan, arrange the steaks in and cook for eight minutes on one side only, then lay the steaks on top of the onions, the cooked side downward.

Pour one-half gill cold water in the steak pan, boil on the range for two minutes, then pour the gravy over the steaks. Set in the oven for ten minutes, remove and serve in the same dish.