Marmas Of The Extremities

Now we shall describe the situation of every Marma. The Marma, known as the Kshipra *, is situated in the region between the first and the second toes (Tarsal articulation), which, being injured or pierced, brings on death from convulsions. The Marma, known as the Tala-Hridaya †, situated in the middle of the sole of the foot in a straight line drawn from the root of the middle toe. An injury to this Marma gives rise to extreme pain which ends in death. The Marma, known as the Kurchcha ‡. is situated two fingers' width above from the Kshipra one on each side of the foot. An injury to this Marma results in shivering and bending in of the foot. The Marma called Kurchcha-Sirah § is situated under the ankle-joints, one on each side of the foot (Gulpha-Sandhi); an injury to it gives rise to pain and swelling of the affected part. A perforation of the Gulpha-Marma || which is situated at the junction of the foot and the calf, results in pain, paralysis and maimedness of the affected leg. 32-37.

* If any of the Marmas of the Kálántara-Pránahara group be deeply perforated, then this perforation is sure to bring on death within a day (i.e. it will act like a slightly injured Marma of the Sadyah-Pránahara group).

† Any Marma of the Vis'alyaghna-group, being deeply perforated, brings on death within seven days (i, e. it will behave like a slightly injured Marma of the Kálántara-Pránahara class).

‡ Any Marma of the Rujákara class, being deeply perforated (injured), is sure to bring excruciating pain etc. (i.e., it will act like a slightly injured Marma of the Vis'alyaghna group).

An injury to the Marma which is situated in the middle muscle of the calf to the distance of between twelve and thirteen fingers' width from the ankle, and known as the Indravasti-Marma, ¶ results in excessive haemorrhage which ends in death. 38.

* It is a Snáyu-M arma (ligament) to the width of half a finger, and belongs to the Kálántara group.

† It is a Mánsa-Marma to the width of half a finger and belongs to the Kálántara group.

‡ It is a Snáyu-Marma to the length of four fingers' width, and belongs to the Vaikalyakara group.

§ It is a Snáyu-Marma, one finger in length and belongs to the Vaikalyakara group.

|| It is a Sandhi-Marma, to the length of two fingers', and belongs to the Vaikalyakara group.

¶ Indravasti measures two fingers in length according to Bhoja and An injury to or piercing of the Jánu-Marma * situated at the union of the thigh and the knee, results in lameness of the patient. 39.

A piercing of the Ani-Marma, † situated on both the sides above three fingers' width from the Jánu (knee-joint), brings on swelling and paralysis (numbness) of the leg. 40.

A perforation of the Urvi-Marma .‡ situated in the middle of the Uru (thigh) results in the atrophy of the leg, owing to the incidental haemorrhage. An injury to the Lohitaksha-Marma. || situated respectively a little above and below the Urvi-Marma and the Vankshana (groin-joint), and placed near the thigh, is attended with excessive haemorrhage and causes paralysis (of the leg). 41-42.

An injury to the Vitapa-Marma. ¶ situated between the Scrotum and the Vankshana (inguinal region), brings on loss of manhood or scantiness of semen. Thus the eleven Sakthi-Marmas of one leg have been described; those in the other being of an identical nature with the preceding ones. The Marmas in the hands are almost identical with those of the legs, with the exception that Manivandha, Kurpara and Kakshadhara Marmas occur in the place of the Gulpha, Jánu and Vitapa Marmas respectively. As the Vitapa-Marma is situated between the scrotum and the Vankshana (inguinal region), so the Kakshadhara-Marma is situated between the Vaksha (chest) and the Kaksha (armpit). An injury to these causes supervening symptoms. An injury to the Manivandha-Marma (wrist-marma) results specially in inoperativeness (Kuntha) of the affected hand; an injury to the Kurpara-Marma ends in dangling (Kuni) of the hand; and an injury to the Kakshadhara results in hemiplegia. Thus the forty-four Marmas of the upper and the lower extremities have been described. 43-46.

Gayádása, though half a finger in width according to others. It is a Mánsa-Marma and belongs to the Kálántara group.

It is a joint-Marma, three fingers in length and belongs to the Vaikalyakara group.

† It is a ligament-Marma, half a finger in length, (three fingers according to Gayádása) and is of the Vaikalyakara class.

‡ It is a S'ira-Marma, half a finger in length and of the Vaikalya-kara group.

|| It is a S'ira-Marma, half a finger in length and of the Vaikalyakara group.

¶ It is a Snáyu-Marma to the length of one finger and of the Vaikalyakara group.