This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Commiphora (Balsamoden'Dron) Opobal'Samum, Bal'Samum Gil-Eaden'Se, Balm Of Gilead, Mecca Gum, Indian Bdellium. Greenish turbid oleoresin, rosemary odor. C. Mu'kul and C. africa'na, Indian and African Bdellium. Occurs in tears, yellowish-brown, dusty, translucent; resembles myrrh, but does not give purplish-red with nitric acid; both contain volatile oil, resin, gum, and the latter a bitter principle.
Boswel'Lia Carte'Rii, Olibaiuun, Frankincense. E. Africa, S. Arabia. This gum-resin exudes from incisions made in the bark; occurs in yellowish-brown tears covered with white dust; odor balsamic, tere-binthinate; taste balsamic, bitter; partly soluble in alcohol; yields with water milk-white emulsion; contains volatile oil 4-7 p. c. (mostly olibene, C10H16), resin 56-72 p. c, gum (resembles arabin), 30 p. c, bitter principle, ash 3. p. c. Stimulant, expectorant. Dose, gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.), in emulsion, plaster, or fumigation.
Cana'Rium Commu'Ne, Manila Elemi, Elemi. Philippine Islands. The oleoresin exudes from incisions in the bark of a tall tree; it is soft, yellowish, granular crystalline, when cold friable; odor strong, resembling fennel and lemon, terebinthinate; taste bitter, pungent; contains volatile oil 10-15 p. c, amorphous resin (brein) 60 p. c. (soluble in cold alcohol), crystalline resin (amyriri) 25 p. c, bryoidin, breidin, elemic acid, C35H46O4 (crystalline). Stimulant, irritant; in plaster and ointment.
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