To Make A Gold Web

Boil syrup to caramel height, colouring it with saffron, and form it as directed for the last. It can be folded up to form bands or rings, etc. Fasten it to the other decorations with caramel.

If any of the strings or threads of sugar should pass over those parts where they are not required, so as to spoil the other decorations in the making of baskets or other ornaments, it may be removed with a hot knife without breaking or injuring the piece.

Grape, Orange, Or Cherry Baskets

These are made similar to the last; the oranges are carefully peeled and divided into small pieces, taking off the pith. Insert a small piece of stick or whisk in the end of each, dip them in caramel, and form them on the inside of an oiled mould. Cherries and grapes may be used either fresh, or preserved wet, and dried. Dip them in caramel, and form them as oranges. Each of these, or any other fruit, after being dipped in caramel, may be laid on an oiled marble slab separately, and served on plates in a pyramid, with fancy papers, flowers, etc. The baskets are finished as Chantilly with spun sugar.

Almond Baskets

Blanch some fine Jordan almonds, and cut them into thin slices, and colour them in a small copper pan over the fire with prepared liquid colour (see Colours). Put them into the pan, and pour in colour sufficient to give the desired tint; rub them about in the pan with your hand until they are quite dry: form them as for a Chant illy basket, or else form them on an oiled marble slab, and spin sugar over them on each side. Afterwards arrange them in a mould, or build them to any design, first having a pattern cut out in paper, and form them on the stone from it.

Spanish Candy

Oil a quart of clarified syrup to the crack. Have some icing previously prepared as for cakes, or mix some fine powdered loaf sugar with the white of an egg to a thick consistency as for icing; take the sugar from the fire, and as soon as the boiling has gone down stir in a spoonful of this or the icing, which must be done very quickly, without stopping. Let it rise once and fall: the second time it rises, pour it out in a mould or paper case, and rover it with the pan to prevent its falling. Some persons pour it out the first time it rises, and immediately cover it as before. It may be made good both ways. If it is required coloured, add the colouring to the syrup whilst it is boiling, or with the icing, adding more sugar to give it the same stiffness as before.

Vases Or Baskets, Etc., In Spanish Candy

Prepare some plaster moulds, as for grained sugar; soak them in water before you use them; prepare some sugar as for the last, and fill the moulds. When finished they may be ornamented with gum-paste, piping, or gold-paper borders. Fill them with flowers, meringues, fancy pastry, caramel, fruits, etc. They may also be made in copper or tin moulds, by first oiling them before they are filled.

Vanilla Chocolate

Ten pounds of prepared nuts, ten pounds of sugar, vanilla two ounces and a half, cinnamon one ounce, one drachm of mace, and two drachms of cloves, or the vanilla may be used solely.

Prepare your nuts according to the directions already given. Cut the vanilla in small bits, pound it fine with part of the sugar, and mix it with the paste; boil about one-half of the sugar to the blow before you mix it to the chocolate, otherwise it will eat hard. Proceed as before, and either put it in small moulds or divide it in tablets, which you wrap in tinfoil. This is in general termed eatable chocolate.