This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Cough, asthma, fever, hic-congh, thirst, mental dejection, heart-disease and Tamaka-S'vasa.
In a case of vomiting marked by an excessive preponderance of any Dosha (or by the presence of all the three Doshas), emetics or purgatives should be administered with a due regard to the nature and intensity of the Dosha or Doshas involved. In cases due to the concerted action of any two of the deranged bodily Doshas the medical treatment should be determined according to their relative order of preponderance. Diet in these cases should consist of dry and light articles and what the patient is accustomed to. Febrifuge decoctions should be administered according to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Doshas involved in each case. 12.
Draught of clarified butter churned from milk, * or the soup of Mudga and Amalaka taken with clarified butter and Saindhava-salt, or gruels (Yavagu) prepared with the drugs of Pancha-mula and taken with honey, would prove curative in the Vataja type of vomiting. The use of the essence of any bird of the Vishkira group {e.g. chicken, etc.) taken with a little quantity of salt and juice of acid-fruits would likewise prove efficacious. Lukewarm oily purgtives mixed with salt arc also recommended in such cases 13.
Cold drinks and decoctions of Pitta-subduing virtue would relieve vomiting due to the derangement of Pitta. Emetics or purgatives composed of the drugs of the Madhura-dxwgs and mixed
has been explained by some commentators as milk mixed with clarified butter. Chakradatta reads
milk and water in place of
with the expressed juice of Draksha may likewise be employed in the present type. In violent attacks of vomiting the medicated clarified butter known as Tailvaka-ghrita should also be prescribed. 14.
A decoction of the drugs of the Aragvadhadi-group or of Das'a-mula should be given with honey in a case of vomiting due to the aggravation of Kapha. A cold infusion (Hima-Kashaya) of Guduchi mixed with honey-would prove an excellent remedy in all the three preceding types of vomiting. 15 - 16.
Vomiting due to (the use or sight of) any disgusting or loathsome thing should be treated with agreeable things, while that peculiar to pregnancy should be relieved by giving to the enceinte the things she longs for.
Vomiting due to the use of any unaccustomed or incongenial food should be relieved with fasting, vomiting or with the administration of habituated or congenial food. Vomiting due to the presence of worms in the bowels (Krimija) should be treated with remedies applicable in a case of Krimija Hrid-roga (heart-disease of parasitic origin). The measures and remedies prescribed before should be employed with a due regard to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. 17.
Vomiting is relieved by frequently licking a lambative made of Pippali, honey and the expressed juice of Kapittha-fruit. Madhurasa * with the washings of rice and with honey may be likewise taken for the purpose. Tarpana (soothing) measure with the admixture of honey would be beneficial in all the three cases (due to the aggravation of the Doshas). A potion composed of powdered Atma-gnpta-seeds and Yashti-madhu mixed with a copious quantity of rice-washing and with honey as well as gruels prepared with the admixture of Karanja-leaves should be administered. Kustumburu pasted and mixed with salt and acid would also be benificial. Kapittha should also be taken with Tri-k tu and rice-washing. 18 - A.
* "Madhurasa" may mean (1) Drak'sha (2) Gambhari fruit (3) Murya or (4) Yashti-madhu. The practice is to prescribe Draksha.
The excreta of flics should be licked with sugar, honey and sandal paste. A lizard should be immersed in hot milk and this milk, when cooled, should be given to the patient to drink. Powdered fried paddy mixed with hone)- and clarified butter should be given to drink or pulverised Pippali mixed with honey, sugar and clarified butter should be licked. Sandal-paste * with the expressed juice of Amalaka or the decoction of the leaves of Mudga † as well as a lambative composed of the marrow of Kola and Amalaka spiced with the Tri-sugandhi drugs (viz., Ela, Patra and Tvak) powdered together should be prescribed. Gruels of fried S'ali paddy mixed with honey should also be prescribed. The use of perfumes which are agreeable both to the mind and to the organ of smell, is also recomended. 18-B.
Diet : - The meat of any Jangala animal and palatable cordials and victuals of various plates should be likewise taken with care in all cases. 18.
Thus ends the forty-ninth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhila which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Vomiting.
* The practice is to take white Sandal in this case.
† Vagbhata'prescribes the decoction alone as a separate remedy.
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