Marlborough, a N. E. county of South Carolina, bordering on North Carolina, bounded W. by the Great Pedee river, and watered by its affluents; area, 505 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 11,814, of whom 0,008 were colored. The surface is level and the soil productive. The chief productions in 1870 were 0,321 bushels of wheat, 158,088 of Indian corn, 20,-748 of oats, 17,894 of peas and beans, 42,350 of sweet potatoes, 17,077 lbs. of rice, and 8,843 bales of cotton. There were 910 horses, 919 mules and asses, 1,037 milch cows, 2,907 other cattle, 974 sheep, and 8,370 swine. Capital, Bennettsville.

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Marlborough, a town of Middlesex co., Massachusetts, on a branch of the Fitchburg railroad, and on the Boston, Clinton, and Fitchburg railroad, 25 m. W. of Boston, and 15 m. E. N. E. of Worcester; pop. in 1870, 8,474. It is built on numerous hills, and contains within its limits Lake Williams, a beautiful sheet of water covering 100 acres. It has a handsome soldiers' monument of granite, a brick town hall costing $87,000, three hotels, gas works, and a good fire department. There are 25 boot and shoe manufactories, of which several are very extensive; a national bank, a savings bank, a high school, 30 public schools, four evening schools, five private schools, a public library of 5,000 volumes, two weekly newspapers, and seven churches. Marlborough was incorporated in 1001.

Marlborough #2

Marlborough, a town and parliamentary borough of Wiltshire, England, on the Kennet river, 75 m. W. by S. of London; pop. in 1871, 5,034. It consists chiefly of one wide street. There is a royal free grammar school, founded by Edward VI. A castle existed in the days of Richard I., and a parliament was held there under Henry III., passing laws which were known as the statutes of Malbridge or Marlbergc. The site was subsequently occupied by a noble mansion, at a later period by an inn, and is now part of Marlborough college. This institution dates from 1843, and is intended for 500 pupils, two thirds of whom must be sons of clergymen. A laboratory and science lecture room were established in 1875. The town has considerable trade in local manufacturing, agricultural, and dairy products, but has lost the importance which it had before the opening of the Great Western railway, when it was one of the principal posting stations between London, Bath, and Bristol.