Boiled Flour Or Flour Ball

- Take one quart good flour; tie in a pudding-bag so tightly as to make a solid mass; put into a pot of boiling water early in the morning, and let boil until bedtime; take out and let dry. In the morning, peel off and throw away the thin rind of dough, and, with a nutmeg-grater, grate down the hard dry mass into a powder. Of this from one to three tea-spoonfuls may be used, by first rubbing it into a paste with a little milk, then adding it to about a pint of milk, and, finally, by bringing the whole to just the boiling-point. Give through a nursing-bottle. For children who are costive use bran-meal or unbolted flour instead of white flour, preparing as above directed.

Rice Water

- Wash four table-spoons of rice; put it into two quarts of water, which boil down to one quart, and then add sugar and a little nutmeg. This makes a pleasant drink. A pint or half a pint of milk added to the rice water, before it is taken from the fire, gives a nourishing food suitable for cases of diarrhea. Sago, tapioca, barley, or cracked corn can be prepared in the same manner.


- This is an antiseptic and anti-diarrhea remedy; try it. Take of dilute sulphuric acid, concentrated infusion of orange-peel, each, twelve drachms; of syrup of orange-peel, five fluid ounces; add two imperial gallons of water. Take a draught of a large wine-glassful. It is an excellent summer beverage for the South.

Raw Beef For Children

Take half a pound of juicy beef, free from any fat; mince it very finely; then rub it into a smooth pulp either in a mortar or with an ordinary potato-masher, and press it through a fine sieve. Spread a little out upon a plate and sprinkle over it some salt, or some sugar if the child prefers it. Give it alone or spread upon a buttered slice of stale bread. It makes an excellent food for children with dysentery.

The Arts Of The Toilet

Beauty and health constitute a royal inheritance. The child born with such a heritage, and brought up by a mother who has the good sense to discard soothing syrups, narcotics and cordials, and carefully trains up to cleanly habits, proper exercise, plenty of air and sunshine, and wholesome food, starts in life with a capital that will in the long run tip the balance against the largest fortune in dollars. To keep health and beauty, or to restore it when lost, it is necessary to observe the laws of health, discarding quackery and panaceas of all kinds as superstitions, and inventions of the devil. Pure air and plenty of it, free sunshine and plenty of it, are better restoratives than all the patent medicines under the sun. Too often the doctor brings the medicine only to have the medicine bring the doctor again. The sunlight will give a lady's cheek a fresher tinge and a more delicate complexion than all the French powders and rouge in Paris.

Fob The Hair

Wash in cold sage-tea.

Camphor - put in drawers or trunks will keep away mice.

The Neck - Too tight collars and neckerchiefs are apt to produce perma-went swelling of the throa't.