Sweet Shortcake

4 cupfuls flour

6 tablespoonfuls butter or oleomargarine 3/4 cupful sugar 1 teaspoonful salt

3 teaspoonfuls baking powder 2 eggs 3/4 to 1 cupful of milk

Mix the dry ingredients together and rub in the fat with the finger tips. Beat the eggs light, add the milk and stir into the flour. Beat well, and, if too thick, add a little more milk. Spread in two layer-cake pans, and bake in a moderate oven. Split, spread with butter and the desired fruit, properly sweetened and prepared.

Sweet Fruit Shortcake

Follow the recipe for Sweet Shortcake, putting it together with strawberries which have been slightly crushed, sweetened and allowed to stand for at least an hour; sliced and sugared peaches, slightly flavored with lemon juice; sliced and sugared oranges, mixed with cocoanut; shredded canned pineapple; stewed sweetened plums; slightly crushed and sweetened raspberries; sweetened blackberries, or any other desired fruit.

With the raspberries, blackberries, peaches, or strawberries, sweetened whipped cream is a suitable accompaniment, although any of the foamy cold sauces may be used, and in case of pineapple a delicious combination is a cold orange foamy sauce.

Biscuit Shortcake

2 1/2 cupfuls flour 4 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1/2 teaspoonful salt

1 tablespoonful sugar 1 cupful milk 3 tablespoonfuls butter or oleomargarine

Mix the dry ingredients together, thoroughly. Work in the shortening with the finger tips, and add the milk slowly. Toss on a floured board, divide in two parts, pat out and fit into the pans. Bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven.

Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake

1 quart strawberries 1 cupful sugar - more or less

Biscuit shortcake Thick cream

Make a biscuit shortcake as directed. Split arid butter it liberally and fill with halved strawberries which have been allowed to stand with the sugar on them for at least an hour. Pile strawberries on the top, and serve warm with the cream.

Plain Fruit Shortcake

This may be made with the biscuit foundation. Suitable fillings are sliced and sugared oranges, baked rhubarb, baked apple sauce, stewed blueberries, stewed diced figs (with orange sauce), stewed dried pears with golden marshmallow sauce, or a combination of stewed cranberries and raisins, well sweetened, and served with orange sauce.

Fruit Rolls

All fruit rolls have as a foundation a biscuit shortcake. This should be rolled out into rectangular shape, the dough being kept about one-quarter of an inch thick. It should then be sprinkled to within an inch of the edge with the desired fruit, sweetened. Canned fruit may be used, but in any case it should be chopped coarsely. The dough should then be rolled up gently, the ends pinched together, and the roll placed fold-side down on a well-oiled baking pan. The top should be brushed with milk, and the whole baked for half an hour in a moderate oven. This may be served with cream or a suitable sauce, the choice depending upon the character of the filling.