A TABLE or stand bouquet should be somewhat of a pyramid in shape, to form which, any flowers of medium size are proper - accompanied by their complementary colors in the racemes and spikes of finer florescence. But little verdure is needed - sufficient to outline the several groups that make up the assemblage, and to give a handsome base - unless the floral colors contrast well with the tinting of the vase. Though colorless, crystal vases are preferable for flowers, always. The opaque Parian, and the grays and neutral tints of ordinary biscuit-ware can be used advantageously as table or window vases, if the receptacle be nearly hidden by foliage and drooping flowers, or vines. Saxifrage, money-wort, ground or coliseum ivy, and German ivy, make a fine veil-hanging over and about a vase, and lend dignity and grace to the bouquet. The garden and orchard, from their flourishing plants, blooming shrubs, and blossoming trees, can send many species and varieties to make these collections beautiful; while forest and fell, upland and moor, afford many lovely wildings. Nor will their more delicate relatives of the conservatory lose aught of their beauty or grandeur when mingled with them.

Branches from plants of variegated foliage, or boughs of bright autumn leaves, without blossoms, make very elegant bouquets. The vase which they occupy should stand on a window seat, or on a table near by, that the sunlight may fall upon them; as the rays stream through and among them, their gorgeous colorings appear to fine advantage.

A perforated plate or cover for the top of a dish or vase is a great convenience for arranging flowers. There is then no danger of crowding them, and we can quickly see the effect of her work, as the bouquet is, as it were, built where it is to stand. The vase should be first filled with water, then the cover laid, and the stems inserted in the perforations. It is, however, usual to tie the flowers together in some manner; let it be as loosely as possible; see that there is no crushing or overlapping of flowers or buds; nor yet let the larger flowers be too prominent. When you have large and choice flowers, it is better to place one specimen, with its buds and appropriate adjuncts of foliage, and vines (both, or either, as the habits of the blossoms require) in a receptacle by itself. Several vases filled in this way make more effective display than if all were crowded into one group, and lend an air of elegance to a room, if disposed in proper localities. Bouquets of this style are more proper for the guest-chamber and the dressing-room. Flowers of medium size and delicate foliage should be used; their colors - speaking of quiet and repose - must be of the more subdued tints and the tenderest green.

For a hand-boquet, both foliage and flowers must be nicely chosen. ■ Fragrance, not so important in other collections, is here an.iudispensable requisite. Among the most desirable verdure are, Aloysia citriodora (called by some Lippia); the lemon-scented verbena, with its elegant lanceolate leaves; sprays of the exquisite sweet brier (not omitting its lovely buds and blossoms); myrtle, box, lavender, the various fragrant geraniums, and odorous mints. Of the minor blossoms, mignonette, "the fragrant weed," is the favorite; then come heliotrope, stevia, violets and honeysuckles; mahernia, acacia and heath; while dianthus, in all its species, orange blossoms, tuberoses, lilies and roses add both beauty and fragrance; and pansies, daisies, forget-me-not and jasmine are always welcome.

A hand-bouquet should not be too large to be carried conveniently. It may be six inches (better five or four) in height, and four in diameter at its base. The flowers should be arranged in a somewhat conical shape; and though the bouquet must be regular in outline, it must not be too set. The green, projecting here and there to give distinctness to the several groups of which it is composed, will relieve it of formality, if the colors and forms are not too monotonous.. A pleasing variety of these must be obtained, yet regard must be specially paid to proper contrasts and harmony. Many fine flowers are short-stemmed; others have very weak stems. To lengthen or to strengthen these, use slender twigs, or bits of willow or matchwood, or straws of matting, or broom-corn, fastening the flowers to these by hair twine, fine cord, or thread. When flowers are thus improved, a bit of wet cotton or moss should be wound over and around these false stems. Before making the bouquet, all that need this assistance must be made ready; then select the different groups, assort them according to colors and forms, and apportion the green to each set. Damp moss and lycopodium will be needed, if the flowers are expected to keep fresh any length of time.

To begin, take some handsome spike of florets having a long, strong stalk, with two or three slender spires of green (these also having long, strong stems); tie a cord by one end around them and bind them together for half an inch. Then arrange small groups of larger blossoms around these, just far enough below to show the first set handsomely, and wind the cord as before, and so proceed till the bouquet is of proper sue. A few racemes or pendant flowers should be among the last set, which should be composed of panicles of fine florets, and then a fringe of drooping green, or a border of handsome leaves - myrtle, orange, camellia, or kalmia. Leave two or three inches of the bare stems, and wrap around them a strip of wet cotton batting; then cover this with a piece of tinfoil, and tie around about half way to the border, a neat bow of white ribbon. This is the most usual form of hand-bouquet; but a very pretty style is made by taking one beautiful flower for the center, surrounding this with contrasting florets; then larger flowers alternating with spikes and panicles of smaller; then a fringe of very fine and delicate florescence, a handsome border of foliage finishing the collection; very little green - and that of the most delicate sorts - projecting at rare intervals among the flowers.

For this a stout stick is needed, upon and around which the flowers and foliage are bound, as in making the preceding bouquet. These are the popular methods of arranging flowers to be carried in the hand both as an ornament and a source of pleasure. But a few lilies of the valley with their own elegant leaves; a half-blown rose and buds; mignonette and sweet peas; or geranium leaves and carnations, afford more satisfaction, generally; are more effective in their simplicity, and can be disposed of more readily and gracefully as a personal decoration, at the belt or at the neck-tie, than those more elaborate collections, which often require some strength to carry in an upright position, and when not held thus must dangle heavily from the arms, or necessitate the services of an attendant. Button-hole bouquets and nosegays for tiny individual vases, at the dinner-table, should consist of only one handsome specimen of some elegant flower of small size, with its buds, or two or three slender spikelets of florets in a contrasting tint, and a little delicate verdure - all of the choicest sorts tied loosely with a bit of narrow ribbon.

A little wet cotton should be wrapped about the base of the stems of a button-hole bouquet; or it should be inserted in the small tubes holding water, which are now made to attach to the button-hole; the small phials used for homoeopathic medicine serve very well for this purpose, and can be fastened by a loop just inside the button-hole. Small bunches of flowers for looping or festooning the skirt of a lady's dress, should be of the same description as those used for button-hole bouquets. A half open rose with buds; a tuberose with bouvardia; a fuchsia and stevia; a carnation and heath; lilies of the valley and forget-me-not; violets and myrtle; sweet peas and mignonette; azalea and heliotrope, with geranium leaves, aloysia, or myrtle for verdure, are always elegant.

When decorations for the hair are wanted, drooping racemes, delicate flowering vines (or of verdure only) and pendant blossoms, with a few of erect clustered growth should be chosen. Of these, the most effective is smilaz - Myrsiphyllum aspara-goides - with glossy light green leaves that retain their freshness in the dryest atmosphere a long time. Its long slender stems of foliage, laid lightly on the head and drooping to the shoulder, with two or three rosebuds, lilies of the valley, fuchsias, or any of the papilionaceous blossoms make a very becoming decoration which is easily arranged. The maurandia, when in bloom, is a pretty vine to garland the hair; a bit of scarlet geranium or verbena should fasten it. Fronds of the slenderest ferns are very graceful head-dresses, with the addition of an azalea, or camellia, or rose; and long ribbons of variegated grass, with its plumy blossoms, are handsome verdure for stevia and bouvardia; while rose or lemon geranium leaves accord well with carnations or roses, and acacia or heath with tuberoses and adlumia. with its twining stems and drooping florets, and are very beautiful for the same purpose. But one caution is needful: there is danger of too much ornament; the lighter and simpler the arrangement, the more becoming it will be.

And the same rule holds good in all floral decorations; crowding, and excess, and profusion detract from beauty and grace.