We add the following list of alimentary substances from Dr. Darwin's Zoonomia, in the order of their nutritious powers, beginning with the most nutritive, and proceeding to those less so:

I. Cervus elaphus, the stag.

C. dama, the fallow-deer.

C. capreolus, the roebuck.

Bos taurus, the ox.

Capra ovis, the sheep

L.epus timidus, the hare.

Anas anser, the goose.

A. boschas, the duck.

Scolopax rusticola, the woodcock.

S gallinago, the snipe.

Tetrao rufescens, red game.

T. tetrix, black game.

Ostrea edulis, oysters.

Cancer gammarus, lobster.

C. pagurus, crab.

C. squilla, prawn.

C". astacus, cray-fish.

Fungi esculenti, mushrooms.

Muraena anguilla, eel.

Cyprinus tinca, tench.

C. barbus, barbel.

Salmo eperlanus, smelt.

Pleuronectes rhombus (maximus), turbot.

P. solea, sole.

Testudo mydos, turtle.

Caro agnina, lamb.

-------vitulina, veal.

-------porcelli, sucking-pig.

Meleagris gallopavo, turkey.

Tetrao perdrix, partridge.

Phasianus colchichus, pheasant.

------------- gallus, fowl.

Esox lucius, pike.

Perca fluviatilis, perch.

Salmo fario, trout.

S. thymalus, grayling.

Cyprinus gobio, gudgeon.

II. Triticum, hordeum, avena, pisum, solanum tuberosum, rapa, daucus carota, brassica oleracca, b. brocoli, asparagus, cynara, scolymus, spinacia, beta, poma,pyra, pruna, mala armeniaca, persicaet aurantia,fraga,uvae, me/ones, cucumeres, ficus siccatte, uve passe, saccha-rum mel, etc.