Friedrich Munch

Friedrich Munch, a German author, born at Niedergemunden, Hesse-Darmstadt, June 25, 1799. He is the son of a clergyman, studied theology at Giessen, and succeeded his father as pastor of the village church. He founded in 1833, with Paul Follen, an emigration society at Giessen, and came with a number of emigrants to the United States, settling as a farmer in Missouri. He was active in promoting German immigration, and was a member of the Missouri senate from 1862 to 1866. He has published Ueber Religion und Christen-thum (1847), of which an English edition appeared in Boston; Der Staat Missouri (New York, 1859; 2d ed., abridged, Bremen, 1866); Amerikanisclie Weinbauschnle (3d ed., St. Louis, 1867); Die sinnliclie und die geistige Lebensansiclit (Philadelphia, 1871); Geistes-lehre far die Tieranreifende Jagend (St. Louis, 1872); and Das Leben von Karl Follen (Neu-stadt-on-the-IIaardt, 1872).

Friedrich Otto Hultsch

Friedrich Otto Hultsch, a German philologist, born in Dresden, July 22, 1833. He became a teacher at Leipsic in 1857, subsequently at Zwickau, and afterward at Dresden, where in 1868 he became rector of the Kreuzschule. His principal works are Griechische und ro-mische Metrologie (Berlin, 1862), and editions of the Scriptores Metrologici (Leipsic, 1864-'6), of Heron's Geometrici et Stereometrici (Berlin, 1864), of Censorinus Be Die Natali (Leipsic, 1867), and of the "Histories" of Polybius (Berlin, 1867-'72).

Friedrich Pecht

Friedrich Pecht, a German painter, born in Constance, Baden, Oct. 2, 1814. He studied in Munich, was employed in Dresden and Leipsic, and perfected his art in Paris under the direction of Delaroche. He returned to Germany in 1841, and resided in Italy from 1851 to 1854, when he settled in Munich. He has published Sildfruchte (2 vols., Leipsic, 1854), and Die Kunstschdtze Venedigs (Trieste, 1858), and executed paintings in the style of Delaroche.

Friedrich Ruckert

Friedrich Ruckert, a German poet, born in Schweinfurt, May 16, 1788, died near Co-burg, Jan. 31, 1866. He completed his studies at Jena, was a journalist at Stuttgart from 1815 to 1817, and was professor of oriental languages for 15 years at Erlangen, and for 8 years at Berlin. His works embrace various collections of lyrical, epic, and other poems; Die Weisheit der Brahmanen, a didactic poem (6 vols., 1836-'9; 7th ed., 1870); and admirable translations from the Arabic and other oriental tongues, including Die Verwandlungen des Abu Seid von Sarug, oder die Makamen des Hariri (2 vols., 1826; 5th ed., 1875). Among his posthumous works is one on the Coptic language (1875). His life has been written by Fortlage (1867) and Beyer (1868). - His son Heinrich, an eminent historian, born in Coburg, Jan. 14, 1823, died in Breslau, Sept. 11, 1875.

Friedrich Rudolf Ludwig Canitz

Friedrich Rudolf Ludwig Canitz, baron, a German poet and diplomatist, born in Berlin, Nov. 27, 1654, died there, Aug. 16, 1699. He belonged to an ancient Brandenburg family, studied jurisprudence at Leyden and Leipsic, travelled in France, England, and Italy, and after 1677 was employed in many important diplomatic missions. He survived his wife, Dorothea or Doris von Arnimb, four years. The remarkable character of this lady has been eulogized by Varnhagen von Ense and Franz Horn, and Canitz's poem on occasion of her death and two of his religious poems are among his most popular effusions. He excelled in satirical and didactic poetry. A selection of his works is in the Biblioihek der deutschen Dichter des 17. Jahrhunderts (Leipsic, 1838).