Apple Jelly

Crab Apple Jelly

Select juicy apples. Mealy ones are no good. Wash and quarter and put into a preserving kettle over the fire with a teacupful of water. If necessary add more water as it evaporates. When boiled to a pulp strain the apples through a flannel bag, then proceed as for other jelly.

F. E. C.

Apple Jelly

Select sound, red, fine-flavored apples not too ripe; wash, wipe and core; place in a granite kettle cover with water and let cook slowly until the apples look red. Pour into a muslin bag and drain; return juice to a clean kettle and boil one-half hour; skim. Now measure and to every pint of juice allow a pound of sugar; boil quickly for ten minutes. Red apples will give jelly the color of wine while that from light fruit will be like amber. Margaret McNolty.

Quince And Apple Jelly

Tart apples to which have been added the cores and paring of quinces make a delightful jelly. Make as apple jelly. Margaret McNolty.

Greening Jelly

Take greening apples, wash, quarter and core, but do not pare them. Cook until soft with one tumblerful of water in a granite pan; then put the apples in flannel bag and suspend over earthen dish and let drain several hours but do not squeeze. To one pint of juice add one pound of sugar; boil twenty minutes; then pour into jelly glasses. Mamie Betts.

Astrakhan Jelly

Fill a two-quart granite dish with alternate layers of pared and sliced apples and sugar. Bake three hours, closely covered. This is delicious and should turn out a solid pink jelly. Miss Lillie Wheeler.

Grape Jelly

Green Grape Jelly

Select grapes that are just beginning to turn. Pick off the stems and wash in cold water. Now add one cupful of water to nine pounds of fruit. Stew until soft. Strain without squeezing through a muslin bag.

Return to fire, let come to a boil and skim. To every cupful of juice add a cupful of sugar; boil twenty minutes; pour into glasses.

Mrs. T. Winchester.

Ripe Grape Jelly

Take ripe (but not too ripe) grapes, put them into a saucepan and bruise them gently until the juice flows freely. Strain, without squeezing them, two or three times through muslin and, when clear, boil the juice rapidly for twenty minutes. Add a pound of loaf sugar to each pound of juice and boil till a little put on a plate will set. Put the jelly into jars and cover with buttered paper and afterwards with writing paper.

Lulu Bailey.


Rhubarb Marmalade

To every two pounds of rhubarb add one and one-fourth pounds of sugar, and one lemon cut into small pieces. Boil well together until quite thick. Put in glasses and cover like jelly. W. T. M.

Tomato Marmalade

Remove the skins from a peck of tomatoes, slicing them as for the table. Put them into a kettle, with a pint of sugar, and spice to taste. Cook slowly till they are quite thick. Put them in a jar and pour over a little vinegar. This is a nice relish with meat. Mrs. Jane Hubbard.

Lemon Marmalade

Peel as many lemons as you wish and take out every seed. Boil the peel until very soft, add juice and pulp, with a pound of sugar to a pound of lemons. Boil until thick and bottle. Mrs. Parker.

Grape Marmalade

Take sound grapes, heat and remove the seeds, then measure, and allow measure for measure of fruit and sugar. Place all together in a preserving kettle and boil slowly twenty-five minutes; add the juice of one lemon to every quart of fruit. Set away in jelly glasses.

C. Marion Tulley..

Apricot Marmalade

Peel, quarter and stone four pounds of ripe apricots and put them into a preserving pan with neither water nor sugar; boil gently, stirring continually, until the fruit is reduced to a pulp. Then add three pounds of sugar, and a few of the kernels blanched and halved, and boil once more. Put into jars, cover the fruit with an oiled paper and fasten over each jar a piece of thin paper dipped in gum water. When dry it will be-light and hard. It should boil with the sugar, twenty minutes.

Mrs. A. Place.

Astrakhan Marmalade

Peel one dozen apples into small bits; put a piece of butter in a saucepan, with a small stick of cinnamon, the peel of a lemon, one-fourth of a pound of sugar and one-half cupful of water. Cover and cook for twenty-five minutes, watching that it does not burn; when dry take out the cinnamon and lemon peel and beat thoroughly with a spoon to have it smooth, doing this on the hot fire so the apples thicken more and more until perfectly firm. Pour into glasses and cover. Ione.

Mixed Marmalade (Unsurpassed)

Take equal quantities of white apples, yellow pears and white plums; pare and cut in small bits, stew in a little water till tender, then strain through a hair sieve. Now weigh the pulp and add to it, its own weight in sugar. Put on the stove and cook carefully three hours in a thick-lined granite kettle. Stir often the first two hours and continually the last hour. It is hard to make because it is easily burned but it always pays for the trouble. When thick turn into shallow pans and tie down. When desired for use slice off in slices and put on plate like cheese. Hilda.