Gynerium - Notes

The noble species argenteum (syn. Cortaderia argentea) is almost too well-known to need comment. It is the finest of grasses, and as grand an ornament for lawns as the best of shrubs. It should be given a prominent site, sheltered from cold winds. Ordinary soil, well manured. Give top-dressings of manure every two or three years. Several garden forms are offered, such as albo-lineata, aureo-lineata, monstrosum, Roi des Roses and Rendatleri.

Halesia - Notes

Two species are offered: hispida (syn. Pterostyrax hispidum) and tetraptera, both small deciduous trees with white flowers in late spring. Tetraptera, the Snowdrop Tree, is the better known, and it is one of the most beautiful of garden objects when covered with its lovely drooping flowers. It is quite worth a good place on a lawn in a sheltered place. Good loamy soil, not very dry.

Halimodendron - Notes

One species is offered, namely argenteum, the Salt Tree, a deciduous shrub with hoary leaves and pink flowers, growing up to six feet high in good loamy soil.