This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Of the types of erysipelas (Visarpa) the first three (viz., the Vátaja, Pittaja and Kaphaja ones) are curable; the two remaining types, viz., those caused by the concerted action of the three Doshas (of the body) and those originating from wounds (Kshataja) should be considered as incurable. In cases of the curable types, medicated Ghritas, plasters (Upadehas) and affusions (Seka) prepared with the drugs (antidotal to the specific aggravated Dosha or Doshas (involved in the case) should be prescribed. 2.
In cases of the Vátaja type of the disease, Mustá, S'atálvá, Sura-dáru, Kushtha, Váráhi, Kustumburu (Dhanyáka) Krishna-gandhá, and the drugs of a heat-making potency (Ushna-gana) * should be used in preparing the medicinal washings (Seka), plasters and Ghritas. The drugs respectively included within the groups of the Vrihat-Pancha-mula and the Svalpa-Pancha-mula, the Kantaka-Pancha-tnula and the Valli-Pancha-mula should be (separately) used to prepare the medicinal plasters, affusions, medicated Ghritas and as well as the necessary oils. 3.
* Chakradatta reads "Arka", Vams'a and Artagala instead of the drugs of a heat-making potency. Dallana explains the drugs of a heat-making potency to be the drugs of the Bhadra-dárvádi and the Pippalydádi groups,
In cases of Pittaja Visarpa; a plaster consisting of Kas'eruka, S'ringá taka, Padma, Gundrá (Guduchi), S'aivála, Utpala and clay pasted together and mixed with clarified butter, should be wrapped * in a piece, of linen, and applied cool to the affected part. A paste composed of Hrivera, Lámajjaka (Us'ira-mula), Chandana, Srotoja (Rasánjana) Muktá, Mani and Gairika, pasted together with milk and mixed with clarified butter should be applied thin and cool to the affected part to alleviate the pain. Pittaja erysipelas readily yields to the application of a medicinal plaster composed of Prapaundarika, Yashti-madhu, Payasyá, † Manjishthá, Padmaaka, Chandana and Sugandhiká pasted together. Decoctions of the drugs of the Nyagrodhádi group should be used in washing (the affected part;; or clarified butter should be cooked with the expressed juice of the above drugs and employed in the case. The part may be affused (Seka) with cold milk (or water), or with water mixed with honey or sugar, or with the expressed juice of the sugarcane. 4-5. Gauryádi Ghrita: - A Prastha measure of clarified butter should be cooked with the Kalka of Gauri, ‡ Yashti-madhu, Aravinda, Rodhra, Ambu, Rájádana, Gairika, Rishabhaka, Padmaka, Sárivá, Kákoli, Medá, Kumuda, Utpala, Chandana, Madhu-S'arkará, Drákshá, Sthirá, Pris'ni-pami, and S'atáhvá taken in equal parts (and weighing one seer § in all) and with the decoctions, weighing four times that of the Ghrita, of the drugs of the Nyagrodhádi, Sthirádi (minor Pancha-mula) and Vilvdi (major Pancha-mula) groups together with the same weight (sixteen seers) of milk. The washing (of the affected part) with this medicated Ghrita proves curative in Pittaja erysipelas and sinus. Visphota (boils) head diseases, malignant sores and inflammatory affections of the mouth, yield to the internal use of this Ghrita. It is called the Gauryyáidi Ghrita and is highly efficacious in the derangements to which children are liable, (commonly) attributed to the malignant influences of evil stars, as well as in cases of emaciated ones. 6.
* In order to facilitate its removal.
† It means "Kshira-vidari". Jejjata explains it as "Arka-pushpi".
‡ Some explain it as "Haridra", while others explain it as "Gorochana".
§ Dallana, however, says that these drugs will weigh four Palas i. e., half a seer in all.
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