Chapter IX. Practice Of Surgery

Teaching of surgery on dummies and suitable fruits, etc. .. , .. .. .. 71 - 73

Chapter X. Essential Qualifications Of A Physician Before He Formally Enters His Profession

Means of diagnosis - Things to be observed in making a diagnosis - Cure, palliation and incurability of diseases - Prohibited conduct of a physician .. .. 74 - 77

Chapter XL Mode Of Preparing Alkalis, And Their Comparative Excellence As Incising, Excising Or Scraping Agents

Alkalis for external application or internal use - Cases where alkalis prove injurious - The three potencies of alkalis for external application - Commendable or defective features in an alkali - Mode of its application, and after-measures - Symptoms of satisfactory cauterisation - Persons who should not be treated with alkalis - Dangers which attend its abuse .. .. .. .. .. 78 - 87

Chapter XII. Actual Cauteries

Accessories to an act of cauterisation - Preliminary measures - Symptoms which manifest themselves as the skin, or flesh, or a vein, or joint is cauterised - Seats of cauterisation in different diseases - Different modes of cauterisation - Characteristic symptoms of burns and scalds, etc. - Rationale of treating a burn or a scald with heat - Medical treatment of burns and scalds, etc. - Symptoms which appear when the nostrils, etc. of a person is choked with smoke - Its treatment - Medical treatment of sun strikes, and scorchings by hot wind, etc. .. .. 88 - 97

Chapter XIII. Leeches And Their Use

Persons who may be leeched - Mode of extracting the vitiated blood in such cases - Mode of applying the leeches - Classification, and mode of collecting and keeping the leeches - Bad leeches and their characteristics - After measures .. .. ••• .. ••• 98 - 105

Chapter XIV. Origin And Characteristic Features Of Lymph Chyle

Its location, course and metamorphosis into blood - Menstrual blood and its nature - Successive metamorphosis of the fundamental principles of the body - Etymology of the term Dhatu - Blood - Swellings which should not be bled - Two kinds of blood letting - Venesection, its mode and different aspects - Mischief created by the vitiated blood not extracted from the system - Causes of excessive bleeding and its effect upon the system - Symptoms of satisfactory bleeding and its beneficial results - Measures to be adopted in cases of excessive or scanty bleeding - Medical treatment of excessive bleeding - Various instructions .. .. .. 106 - 119

Chapter XV. Development Or Non-Development Of The Excrements And Constituent Principles Of The Body

Nature, locations and functions of the Normal Vayu, Pittam and Kapham, as well as of the lymph chyle, blood, fat, marrow, semen, and ojah (albumen), and the symptoms which mark their increase, decrease, or dislodgment in the human system - Etiologies of obesity and thinness .. 120 - 140