
Python (Daudin), a genus of large tropical, non-venomous serpents, replacing in the old world the boas of the new. The pythons differ from the boas in having four teeth in the intermaxillary bone, and in most of the sub-caudal scales being in pairs. (See Boa).

Qua Bird, Or Quawk

See Night Heron.


Quadi, a powerful ancient people of S. E. Germany, of the Suevic race. They inhabited the country between Mount Gabreta, the Her-cynian forest, the Sarmatian mountains, and the Danube (portions of Bohemia, Moravia, and Lower Austria), their neighbors being the Gothini and Osi on the northeast, the Jazyges Metanastae on the east, the Pannonians on the south, and the Marcomanni on the northwest. Of the last named they were allies. In the reign of Tiberius the Romans erected a kingdom of the Quadi, and gave the crown to Van-nius; but in the reign of Marcus Aurelius the Quadi joined the German confederacy against the empire, and in 174 were on the point of destroying the imperial legions in a great battle when a sudden storm enabled the Romans to recover and gain a victory. The Quadi remained independent till their disappearance from history about the close of the 4th century.


See Clam.


See Friends.

Quatre Bras

See Waterloo.

Quatremere De Quincy

See QuatbemÈre de Quincy.


Quebec, a county of the province of Quebec, Canada, on the N. bank of the St. Lawrence, including territorially, though not politically, the city of Quebec; area, 2,598 sq. m.; pop. in 1871, 19,607, of whom 14,681 were of French, 3,321 of Irish, 772 of English, and 547 of Scotch origin or descent. It is watered by the Batiscan, St. Anne, and St. Charles rivers, and other streams. Capital, Charlesbourg.

Queen Anne

Queen Anne, an E. county of Maryland, bordered E. by Delaware, W. by Chesapeake bay, and N. W. by Chester river, and drained by several creeks; area, 400 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 16,171, of whom 6,592 were colored. It has a rolling surface and fertile soil. The chief productions in 1870 were 326,828 bushels of wheat, 605,975 of Indian corn, 59,167 of oats, 26,845 of Irish and 9,467 of sweet potatoes, 22,581 lbs. of wool, and 107,422 of butter. There were 3,703 horses, 586 mules and asses, 3,121 milch cows, 1,201 working oxen, 3,050 other cattle, 5,373 sheep, and 9,942 swine; 1 fruit-canning establishment, 1 woollen mill, and 3 saw mills. Capital, Centreville.

Queen Charlotte Sound

See Vancouver Island.

Quelpaert Island

Quelpaert Island (called by the Japanese Kandozan), an island in the Eastern sea, about 55 m. S. of Corea, and 110 m. W. N. W. of the Goto islands. It is about 45 m. long and 20 m. broad. The soil is volcanic and fertile, good timber abounds, and grazing pastures are extensive. The highest peak reaches an altitude of 6,500 ft. The population is considerable; villages, each under the control of a chief, being numerous. There are no harbors. Corea claims this island, and uses it as a place for exiles and criminals.