
Tama, an E. central county of Iowa, intersected by the Iowa river; area, 720 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 16,131. The surface is undulating and the soil highly fertile and well timbered. There are rich valleys along the streams, and good water power. It is intersected by the Chicago and Northwestern railroad. The chief productions in 1870 were 1,054,167 bushels of wheat, 1,103,371 of Indian corn, 282,591 of oats, 23,588 of barley, 88,616 of potatoes, 17,080 lbs. of wool, 407,-567 of butter, and 25,854 tons of hay. There were 7,959 horses, 6,073 milch cows, 9,218 other cattle, 4,547 sheep, and 17,646 swine; 11 manufactories of carriages and wagons, 3 of furniture, 3 of lime, 5 of saddlery and harness, 8 flour mills, and 3 saw mills. Capital, Toledo.


See Ant-Eater.


Tamaqua, a borough of Schuylkill co., Pennsylvania, on the Little Schuylkill river and on branches of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad and the Central railroad of New Jersey, 16 m. E. N. E. of Pottsville and 60 m. N. E. of Harrisburg; pop. in 1870, 5,960; in 1875, about 7,000. It is in a rich coal and iron region, and has good water power. It contains three machine shops and founderies (one of them the largest in the state), stove works, a boot and shoe factory, a rolling mill, two saw mills and sash factories, a spike factory, a brick kiln, a powder mill, a tannery, a lime kiln, two breweries, seven or eight bottling establishments, a gun factory, two screen factories, and two saddle and harness factories, besides shops of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company. It has a fire department, a national bank, a banking and trust company, three brick school houses, a daily and a weekly newspaper, and ten churches.


See Larch.


Tamatave, a town and the principal port of Madagascar, on the E. coast, in lat. 18° 10' S., Ion. 49° 28' E.; pop. about 7,500. It is built on a point about 350 yards wide, with low sand hills behind it. Nearly all the buildings, excepting a few belonging to foreign residents, are in the native style, with high roofs thatched with rushes. The town has a large trade with the interior, and is fast increasing in commercial importance. The total value of imports in 1873 was $487,255; of exports, $360,930. The principal imports are sheetings, calico, rum, brandy, shoes, and salt; exports, beef, hides, and India rubber. The duties are 10 per cent, in kind on imports, and 10 per cent, in money on exports.


Tambourine, an instrument of the drum species, consisting of a wooden or metal hoop, over which parchment is distended, and which is hung with a set of bells. It is held in either hand and beaten with the knuckles of the other. Certain peculiar effects of sound are produced by rubbing the parchment briskly with the thumb. The tambourine is one of the most ancient instruments known, and, from the graceful use which can be made of it, has always been a favorite with dancers.